
Term 2, 2021

Term 1 Clyde Primary School began implementing the ‘Respectful Relationships’ Curriculum in all classrooms.  Staff and students have all been busily engaged in teaching topic one where they looked at identifying, recognising and understanding our emotions. Term 2 has now begun and we have all started on topic 2 of the Respectful Relationships Curriculum. Students will spend the term learning how to identify and describe personal strengths. How these strengths help them to contribute to home and school life. How we utilise our strengths in collaborative play students investigate ways to describe the social skills needed for collaborating in teams both in the school yard and classroom. In the upper primary school year’s, we will further investigate and learn about developing an understanding of the concept ‘personal strengths.’ We will look at how we use our personal strengths in our every day lives whilst learning about how to identify and draw upon our strengths as individuals in relation to challenges we may face. 

Building on our social and emotional learning at home tips!        

  • Discuss individual family member strengths.
  • Talk about what you admire or value in each other.
  • As a parent or carer share how you use your personal strengths when you are faced with challenges. 
  • Model and discuss what these character strengths look like, sound like and feel like. (It could be yourself, another family member or a TV character/ book character familiar to you and your child.