Junior School News

Year 7 Camp
Year 7 Camp is a true highlight of the school calendar, and an event very much anticipated by staff and students alike.
For our Year 7 cohort this year, camp was even more anticipated given that many Grade 6 camps did not go ahead in 2020. So on Monday 22nd February , our first group of 130 excited staff and students boarded buses to CYC The Island Camp.
During our stay at The Island we participated in various camp activities such as Giant Swing, Flying Fox, Mechanical Climbing wall, Biscuit Decorating and trampolining. We spent time on the beach, with many mentor challenges and beach activities. For the students who attended – you should be very proud! You conducted yourselves in a way that represented our College values and involved yourselves in all aspects of the camp. Well done, Year 7!
Positive Behaviour Recognitions on Year 7 Camp:
· Persistence: Lucas Humphrey, Sonah Kwak
· Excellence: Keira Light, Casey Burnett
· Community: Archie Wyley, Seth Lowe
· Respect: Zahliah Simpfendorfer, Zac Earle
Student testimonials:
Keira Light 7E - Camp was AMAZING! The activity's were so fun and it was great to make new friends. The food was SO GOOD! I also loved the layout of all the cabins that were there. It was so cool to meet the Year 10 helpers and all the other teachers that I have never met before. I was in a cabin with all my friends. Overall Year 7 camp was amazing and my favourite thing had to be the disco!
Vansh 7E - I really enjoyed camp. We got to make many new friends and got to know lots about the teachers. I enjoyed playing pool and table tennis. The disco was just mind-blowing and fun. I really enjoyed the Flying Fox and archery. In my cabin I had all my friends. Oh, I forgot to mention the amazing food we got. The food was so great. I would give this camp a 5/5 star rating.
Year 8 Fifty Word Stories
STORY 1 by Isabelle K
As I take a step of ownership into the deep, squishy sand my toes tickle with happiness. The ocean looks as fun as a disco! The glitter, the size, the brightness. It looks like the sparkly counter tops at night clubs. I want to go to this party! Jeromino.
THE BEACH: by Diahann S
The waves crash against each other like cars. I sit on the beach listening to the wind howl. My hands dig into the sand. It’s as soft as a pillow, I could sit here all day watching the waves smash against the sand. Sitting there all day, like a rock.