ADP News 

Celebrating Amity Lansbury 

ADP Yr 8 student athlete Amity Lansbury has recently been selected to move into the DVE National Squad following an impressive return to her swimming out of lockdown in 2020.


Her commitment to her home training and positive attitude during 2020 meant that Amity was able to stand out from the crowd on her return to sport.  Her training schedule has taken a step up with her involvement in our ADP being critical to ensure she stays injury-free and can sustain the high volume of training.   


Her National Squad commitments include:


Monday 6-7.30am, 5-7pm

Tuesday 5.30-7am then dryland 5-6pm

Wednesday 6-7.30am

Friday 6-7.30am then dryland 5-6pm

Saturday 7-9am


Her family, friends and all of us here at Greensborough College are really proud of Amity’s inspiring efforts to be the best swimmer she can be.  We know that these elite athlete habits she is forming will not only benefit her as a swimmer but will be invaluable to her outside of the pool for the rest of her life.


Marnie Hay

ADP Co-Cordinator,

ADP Strength and Conditioning Coach