Senior School Learning

Year 5 and 6

These last couple of weeks in 5/6 have been nice and busy. During Literacy we have focused on what good authors do in order to make their writing interesting. We have identified descriptive language in writing passages, used our schema and created a movie in our mind. Our first character we were able to visualise was the Faun from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. It was wonderful to see so many great images that students created using the descriptive passage.


We have also used music to create an image in our mind. The students listened to a piece of music with no words and drew a picture of what they imagined was happening in the story. They were then told the music was called “Flight of the Bumblebee”. It was amazing to see the different images students had imagined. 


But by far our favourite activity of the week was our Triantiwontigongolope. Try say that 10 times quickly! We listened to a poem, highlighted the descriptive words, drew a picture and finally got to create it with playdough. It was such a fun process. We can’t wait to see all the amazing descriptive language the students will use in their writing after conducting these activities.