R.E News - Assistant Principal - Mission

Mr Damian Roff

Lenten Group

A lenten reflection group will be held on Thursday afternoons in the Chapel from 3.30pm  (starting next Thursday Feb 25). All are welcome. 

For further information, or if you are intending to participate please email Denise Fittler:  dfittler@arm.catholic.edu.au


Ash Wednesday Mass


Ash Wednesday Mass was celebrated on Wednesday by Fr Roel. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a time of solemn observance and preparation for the celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus at Easter. 


Students in Year 11 attended Mass at Saints Mary and Joseph Cathedral with the remainder of the student body attending Mass at 9.15am in the College Chapel.


Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, the 40 days of preparation for Easter. We prepare for Easter by abstinence, alms giving and prayer. It is a time when we focus on human mortality and sin transformed by the redemptive love of God in Christ.. Students received the blessed ashes. Christians have traditionally used ashes as an external sign of repentance. On Ash Wednesday ashes were sprinkled on the head. The words “Repent and believe in the Gospel”  preceded this by Father Roel. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fasting (one full meal for those who have completed their 18th year until the beginning of their 60th year) and abstinence (no meat for those who have completed their 14th year).


Project Compassion


The eldest child in each family will be given a project compassion box to take home over Lent. Project compassion is a fundraiser for the great Church charity, Caritas. During Lent it is traditional to give up something such as chocolate and donate the money you usually spend on this to Project Compassion. These boxes need to be returned to the College at the end of the term

Youth Mass

The 5.30pm Parish Mass at the Cathedral on Sunday February 28 is the first Youth Mass for 2021 after a hiatus due to COVID.. Students and staff from O’Connor perform ministries including welcoming reading, and music. Youth Mass is on twice a term at the Cathedral and it would be wonderful to see as many families from O'Connor as possible there.  Mass is on at the Cathedral every Sunday at 8.00am, 10.00am and 5.30pm. There is also a vigil mass at 6.00pm every Saturday.



 A Lenten Prayer 


God of Mercy, You bring forth springs in the wasteland and turn our despair into hope. Look not upon the sins of our past, But lift from our hearts the failures that weigh us down, That we may find refreshment and life in Christ, our liberator from sin, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, holy and mighty God for ever and ever Amen  

Mass in De La Salle Chapel in Term 1


Year Mass is held at O'Connor in De La Salle Chapel on Wednesdays throughout the Year starting at 9.15am. 


Thanks to our Parish Priest Father Roel, liturgy at O'Connor is well supported. Year 7 had their first experience of mass Wednesday last week, (St Scholastica's feast day), followed by Ash Wednesday on (February 17). Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. Lent is the period of 40 days preparation before Easter. 


Saints Mary and Joseph Cathedral Parish


Keeping in touch with what is happening in the Cathedral Parish is easy through their website and Facebook pages.


With such a difficult year it has been harder for parishioner's to give to the parish through the plates, particularly when the church was closed. The Parish account details are available on the Parish bulletin. 






Information about our founders


La Salle Website


Ursuline Sisters Website