R.E News Week 2 Lent

 Jesus climbs a mountaintop with his friends Peter and James and John. At those heights they are away from the distractions of ordinary life. I imagine being with Jesus on the mountain. 

What does the mountain look like?

What are the sounds at its summit? 

Now I consider Jesus being transfigured. I imagine his clothes dazzling white. I hear a voice from heaven saying ‘This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him!’ I take time to experience this spectacular moment on the mountaintop. 

In life it can be a challenge to notice God’s presence. I may want a similarly spectacular experience of God’s presence. And yet God’s holy presence is in the ordinary moments of my day. Jesus seeks to assure me that he is present at all times, on mountaintops and in valleys, in exaltation and in despair. I spend a few minutes in the presence of God:


Lord, give me eyes to see your presence in all people. Lord, open my ears to listen to you. Lord, enliven me with hope so that I don’t fall into despair. 

Lord, send me peace so that I may be your instrument. 

Lord, help me become aware of your love so that I may carry your compassion. 

Lord, kindle my faith so that I may experience the fullness of joy in your presence. 

Ultimately, Lord, make me come alive!

Yours truly,

Hedy Carvalho

R.E. Co-ordinator