Head of Students News

Mr Peter Serone

Winter Uniform

A reminder to families that Term 2 will be here very shortly. Correct shirt size will be important for the boys in order to wear their tie with the top button done up and be comfortable. Please see Mr McPhee’s message in this edition of the newsletter.

Education on Consent Survey

In last weeks newsletter, Mr Newman wrote an article on the topic getting coverage in the media of ‘The Education of Consent’. In his article, he shared a link to a special report that appears on School TV, which has many valuable online resources, on a variety of topics for parents.


I include the link again this week. At the bottom of this article is a one-question survey asking parents to nominate the most suitable time, in your opinion to teach this topic at a school level. Nationally, thousands of parents have already responded to this survey. If our school has more than 10 parents respond we will receive individual school results to the poll which will help in our planning for this important topic.


I would ask families to consider this question and click a response to the poll.

