2018 School Production

The Addams Family
Rehearsals are well underway for our 2018 School Production "The Addams Family" with students feverishly learning their lines and dance routines. Our choreographer Heather MacKay (Year 12) has been posting video clips of particular dance routines to the MESC Production Facebook page to help students. The student leaders are doing a fantastic job in leading the weekly rehearsals. Cast members, or their families for younger students, are encouraged to join the Facebook group, if you haven't already, to see these and other notices, as well as checking emails regularly. A reminder to students, and parents, that the rehearsals are held on Monday and Thursday after school and (for some) will finish at 5.30pm - please check the weekly schedule to see when you are required.
Performances will be held in Banksia Hall on Thursday 23rd August and Friday 24th August at 7.30pm - tickets on sale shortly.
Cast List
Morticia Addams – Samantha Howlett 10
Gomez Addams - Isabelle Duggan 12
Wednesday Addams - Talia Apela 8
Cowgirl Lead Ancestor– Holly Brommage 9
Young Wednesday & Ancestor - Louise Henley 7
Uncle Fester – Alex Chatwin-Dalgliesh 12
Pugsley Addams - Ella Whistlecroft 12
Cousin IT & Ancestor- Anae Pledger 8
Mal Bieneke - Matt Whitehead 11
Lucas Bieneke - Dan Halmarrick 11
Alice Bieneke - Eliza Kidder 10
Lurch - James Farnhill 10
Grandma - Bella Worrall 11
Cowgirl Lead Ancestor– Holly Brommage 9
Lead Ancestor - Zeke Washington 8
Lead Conquistador Ancestor - Christian Faorlin 10
Young Wednesday & Ancestor - Louise Henley 7
Flapper Girl Lead Ancestor - Emily Jones 10
Soldier Lead Ancestor – Monte Butler- Norman 10
Caveman Ancestor – Hamish Trajer 10
Kiana Shillington 11
Phoebe Baker 10
Belle York 9
Olivia Shillington 9
Erin Taylor 9
Poppy Baldwin 9
Narissa Colman 8
Jasmine Spence 8
Paige Mc Culloch 8
Tahlia Church 8
Ruby Davies 8
Amelia Gill 8
Freya Benson-Spong 8
Abbey Bradley 8
Paige Lange-Ward 8
Jemma Bucher 8
Tara Grace Krotwaar 8
Sophie Curtin 8
Avalon Bragg 8
Bryn Lariba Lay 7
Hannah Robinson 7
Natasha Bates 7
Ella Kingston 7
James Richards 7
Milly Verhagen 7
Olivia Cole 7
Hayley Richards 7
Zoe Messner 7
Rosie McLuskie 7
Charlie Renaud-Moysey 7
Sean Meghji 7
Natalie Wallace 7
Jessica Meyers 7
Jenny Dell’ oro 7
Evie Davies 7
Eva Faorlin 7
Kyle Greig 7
Beth Graham 7