MESC Learning Commons
MESC Learning Commons
We now have eBooks available form our eBook Library 24/7 and they are a great way to indulge in favourite titles, authors, genres over the upcoming school holidays.
Borrowing our eBooks via the Wheelers ePlatform, is as easy as 1,2,3.....
1 - Search for and download the ePlatform app from your app store
2 - Find our library and log in using your school ID
3 - Browse and borrow an eBook to read on your device
There is a limit of 2 titles per borrower and these are on loan for 14 days. Titles can be 'returned' at anytime and/or will be automatically returned at the end of the 14 day borrowing period.
All Year 7 & 8 students have been shown how to access this app and browsed the collection with many continuing to read via this method.
"It's much easier than I thought and I can read at home anytime"
"No forgetting my book or returning it!"
"Very easy to borrow"
"Great to be able to change settings (font, size, style) to suit me"
If you have any problems accessing this new collection, or would like to know more, then please contact the Library and we will help you.
Teen Breathe is a new magazine for teenage girls. This magazine has lots of beautiful art work, fun activities and delicious recipes to try. The art work in the magazine is created by young artists. It also includes quotes and lots of positive advice to help you. We think it has been very well put together and would recommend reading all of the Teen Breathe magazines
Are you about to start a research topic? Do you need to include a bibliography? Do you know how to do this?
Check out the'Bibliographies' page on the Library website for all the help you may need with this sometimes tricky task.
What is a bibliography?
A bibliography is an alphabetical list of the sources – books, newspapers, journals, DVDs, Internet, interviews, etc. – that have been used to prepare a piece of work.
Why write bibliographies?
To acknowledge the sources used.
To give readers information to identify and consult the sources used.
To make sure the information is accurate.
What if a bibliography is not included?
The writer may be accused of plagiarism (that is, stealing another person’s idea or writing).
The Bibliographies page provides examples for many different formats of information (from books to websites) which you may access when researching a topic.
There is also a link to an'Online Referencing Generator' (ORG) from SLASA, which makes this task a lot easier - especially for some of the more obscure or complex forms of information gathering and sources.
This 'Online Referencing Generator' (ORG) provides the user with a template for various formats of information and you just need to fill in the sections. The information will then be formatted into a 'reference' which you then add to your final Bibliography (remember this must be listed in alphabetical order).
I suggest that Years 7-9 use the 'Middle School' format and that Years 10-12 use the 'Senior School' format which offers more complex examples and a larger template.
If you need further help with your bibliographies, referencing and/or citing information used, or just want to know more about using the ORG then please ask.
There are a number of opportunities for students to practice their writing skills and gain valuable feedback via annual Writing Competitions. Here are just a couple that are open now...
Farrells Bookshop Story Writing Competition
To celebrate Children's Book Week each year we hold a kids' story writing competition. There are Farrell's book vouchers up for grabs as prizes and winning entries are published on our website.
Entries close Sunday 22 July
See attached entry form for details and link below...
Penguin House - Just Kidding Magazine - Short Story Competition
Let your imagination run free and write about something you like in this story writing competition. The only criteria is that you keep to under 500 words in total. If you think your story should include illustrations, then include those too.
The winning story in each category will be turned into a physical book for you to keep (ten copies per winner). Each winning story will be published in Just Kidding magazine alongside an interview with the author...yep, you!
You can use the below online entry form to submit your story or you can email in your work to to include your name, your age, your address, contact number and email.
See link below for full details...