The School Attendance Guidelines specify that from the end of Term 2 2018, government schools must contact parents/carers as soon as practicable on the day of an unexplained student absence.
Protecting the safety and well-being of children through the reporting and monitoring of absenteeism is the responsibility of both parents/carers and schools. Parents/carers have an obligation to notify the school of their child’s absence and schools are required to notify parents/carers on the day of an unexplained student absence. This responsibility needs to be underpinned by shared understandings and expectations about the procedures for the promotion, monitoring and follow-up of student attendance as outlined in the school’s Attendance Policy.
Clear communication and building a positive and collaborative relationship between schools and parents is critical to the successful implementation of same day notifications. In addition, in order to implement this requirement, it is essential that schools have accurate and current parent/carer contact details.
If your child is sick or absent, you are required to notify their school as soon as possible on the day of absence using one of the following methods:
1. Online: log the absence directly using your Compass log in and password
2. Telephone absence line: leave your child’s name, class, date of absences and reason – 9788 6290
3. Email
Notifying the school of your child’s absence either prior to, or on the day that they will be away, helps ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and will fulfil your legal responsibility.
To log in you will require your unique family username and password. These details will be provided to you by our school. Upon first login, you will be required to change your password and confirm your email address and mobile phone number. These details may be used by our school for SMS, password recovery and email communication throughout the year.If you have lost your details or forgotten your password, you can recover your details by clicking the‘Can’t access your account?’ link on the front page.
1. Contact details
There are times when we will need to contact you, including on the day if your child is absent and you haven’t informed the school as to why. Do we have your most up to date contact details including emergency contact details? If not, please notify the school so we can update our records. Please remember to contact the school if any of these details or your circumstances change.
2. Notify the school of your child’s absence
Protecting the safety and well-being of children through the reporting and monitoring of absenteeism is the responsibility of both parents/carers and schools.
Remember to use one of the following options:-
* Log into your parent portal if your child is going to be away or late for school so your child’s absence can be recorded correctly, as an SMS will be sent out at 9.45am.
* Call the absence line on 9788 6290
* Email
For further information on the processes and procedures our school uses to record, monitor and follow-up student attendance and absence please read our Attendance Policy.
3. Same-day notification of unexplained student absences
Our school will SMS you as soon as practicable on the day if a student is not at school and you haven’t notified the school as to why. If you are notified by the school that your child is away without a reason, please notify the school as to the reason via the parents Compass portal to let us know where your child is. If we cannot reach you because we don’t have your correct contact details (i.e.: message notification fail, disconnected number), then we will make contact with any emergency contact/s nominated on your child’s file held by the school, where possible, on the same day of the unexplained absence.
Please remember it is your responsibility to contact us to provide an explanation for your child's absence from school, and where possible, please inform us in advance of upcoming absences.
For further information on the processes and procedures our school uses to record, monitor and follow-up student attendance and absence please read our Attendance Policy.
Parents are reminded that DET and Mount Eliza Secondary College do not provide personal accident insurance for students. Parents and guardians are responsible for the cost of medical treatment for injured students and transport costs including Ambulance transport in an emergency situation.
Student accident insurance policies are available for purchase through a number of insurance companies. Mount Eliza Secondary College is not in a position to recommend an insurance company as this is a personal choice depending on your circumstances.
Parents are also reminded that DET and Mount Eliza Secondary College do not provide insurance for personal possessions of any description including motor vehicles, for damage or theft at the College or on the College grounds. If insurance coverage is required we recommend you contact your insurance provider for further information.
We are currently taking enrolment for a start in in Term 3, 2018 but places are limited so please register your student now. Part of MESC’s music program includes a wonderful beginners course in PIANO or GUITAR, running over one semester (20 weeks) at only $8.30 per student per week. The program takes students through a structured curriculum from the very basic to a competent level of both playing and ‘theory’ (reading 7 writing music).
To enrol or for further information please visit
phone 0416 586 483 or visit the school office.
The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) provides payments for eligible students to attend activities like:
- school camps or trips
- swimming and school-organised sport programs
- outdoor education programs
- excursions and incursions.
This $148 million initiative helps ensure all Victorian students can take part in school trips and sporting activities. The fund commenced in 2015 and will initially run for four years.
Applications for 2018 are now open, through until the end of term 2, 2018.
From June this year a Department of Education and Training (DET) Secondary School Nurse will be commencing at our College on a limited time capacity. The Secondary School Nurse works as a member of the student wellbeing team to improve the health and wellbeing of students.
The nurse has the ability to assist the school community in the following ways:
- Facilitate health promotion activities linked to National and State health priorities.
- Organise and/or facilitate health promotion programs on current issues of concern identified by the school and/or nurse, such as smoking, sexual health, drug use and mental health issues.
- Provide health education as part of a team teaching approach in a classroom setting and on an individual or small group basis.
- Share knowledge with staff on current health issues affecting the school community.
- Assist school staff to address complex issues related to identified student needs, and
- Participate in health curriculum development and in planning for school health promotion activities.
It is not anticipated that the DET school nurse will regularly provide individual student support, and the schools’ Wellbeing services will continue this supportive role for all students at the College. In any situations where the DET school nurse directly or indirectly provides support to students, the nurse is required to keep information private and confidential unless otherwise agreed. However, there are some instances (if, for example, the nurse thinks the student is at risk of being harmed or harming someone else) where the school nurse may have to let other people know about the situation.
The DET Secondary School Nurse as a general rule does not administer medication, conduct physical examinations, undertake long term counselling or provide first aid. (The school has a first aid attendant to provide first aid). Jeanette Trembearth will be working fortnightly at Mt Eliza Secondary College on alternate Tuesdays. Please feel free to contact me (through reception) if you would like further information.
Jeanette Trembearth, Adolescent Health Nurse