Principal's Report

Principal's Report
Considering the turnout of students from our school and our partner primary schools, I expect most people will be aware of the NAIDOC celebrations we hosted on Thursday. Whether it was from the little Kindy students or our most mature community Elders, the feedback was that it was a wonderful celebration of Aboriginal culture and the vibrant place it has in Cowra. The concerts featuring students from Cowra High, Cowra Public School and the Wiradjuri Elders Choir (some of whom travelled from Dubbo), was breathtaking. I thank not only Aunty Robyn Coffey and her dedicated team of Cowra High staff, but also our partner primary schools (Cowra Public School, Mulyan Public School, Woodstock Public School, Holman Place, Holmwood Public School, Wyangala Public School, Greenthorpe Public School and Koorawatha Public School), all the community groups - Cowra Lions Club, Cowra Hospital Ladies Auxiliary, Yalbillinga Boori Day Care Centre, PCYC, Cowra Public School P&C, Cowra Community Health, Cowra Neighborhood Centre, Cowra Youth Council, Jamie-Lee Amos (juggling workshops) and Simone Gough (drumming workshops), who played a very important role in making the day so successful and enjoyable for all.
Semester One reports were distributed on Wednesday afternoon. Judging by the excitement while students waited to catch their buses, I believe there were many pleasing results. I encourage all parents and carers to read their child’s report with the student concerned, celebrate the successes and discuss in a positive way the suggestions made by teachers for improvements. If your child was away and did not pick up their report, they can be collected from the front office.
Year 12 have now completed their Trial Exams. It is now time for them to use the next two weeks to take a breath and relax a bit before the very busy Term 3 hits. Although I said relax, the key words are “a bit”. Holiday study schedules should be maintained. The light is in sight, so don’t drop the ball now.
I wish everyone a relaxing and safe holiday.
Charles Gauci
PBL Winners
Congratulations to our students for their continual efforts with respect and responsibility. Thank you to our sponsors for their continual support again this term.
Lovely looking grounds
Have you noticed how lovely the school grounds are looking lately? Our lawns would rival a golf course and the gardens and roses are exquisite. This is all due to the hard work of our General Assistants, Justin Smith and Stephen Brown, with help from Brad Dunk. The improved appearance of the school enhances our image in the community, and creates a pleasant atmosphere for the students. Cowra High School P & C Association appreciate all your efforts.
Hosting an exchange student can be a very rewarding experience
Our family has enjoyed hosting Ryu Akima for the Seikei Student Exchange program.
Being the first host family for Ryu's exchange in 2018, we had the great pleasure showing what our town and lifestyle has to offer. It has been great to see Ryu enjoy what he has seen and experienced so far. Showing Ryu around our town and region makes you realize how much is always happening in the area and the many interesting places to see and visit. We liked our visit to Jenolan Caves and a very friendly echidna, who was more than happy for a bunch of kids to gather round while he blissfully continued to eat ants around the car park!
Ryu has introduced our family to Japanese cooking, language, games and told us about life in his home of Hachiouji in Tokyo.
Hosting Ryu has been a positive experience for our family and we have all learnt from the exchange.
The Hayes family
If you wish to host Ryu while he is staying in Cowra, please contact Mrs Perkins at the school. You do not have to have a student in Ryu's year group, just a willingness to accept a student into your home for a short period of time and enjoy the rewarding experience it brings.