Year 8 

Forest Edge camp

On Wednesday 9 October, the Year 8 students boarded two buses travelling to Forest Edge Camp, just outside of Neerim.


The weather was nice and chilly, and rivers ran through the camp grounds all the way from Mt Baw Baw.


We enjoyed several activities; Mountain boarding where we had a great time skating downhill, High Ropes that tested our balance and problem solving skills and a Flying Fox that was beautifully scenic. Another activity was bush walking. We all got plenty of exercise walking through the bush for a couple kilometres.


We had a sleep out one night in tents on the camp so half of us got to build the cozy tents to stay in on the first night and we swapped for the second night.


During free time we got to have fun with activities around the camp such as Ga Ga Ball, Trampolines and Cage Soccer.


After a busy day each evening we watched interesting movies in Grechy’s Theater, such as Dumb and Dumber, and Raiders of the Lost Ark.


If it wasn’t for the wonderful staff who looked after us at this camp we would not have had such an enjoyable experience.


Lachlan, Julian, Rohan, Cathal, Xander, Charlie

Year 8