SIS Public Speaking
Public Speaking
The 2019 Lasallian Public Speaking Challenge was held on Thursday 17 October at St James College. This competition has a long tradition, being instituted in honour of Brother Quentin O’Halloran who was in attendance along with Br Tony. Students from St James College, St Bede’s College and De La Salle College took part in the evening. Congratulations to all the participating students for being the best speakers in their school.
The competition involved two rounds. Firstly, students presented a prepared speech. Then they were given 5 minutes preparation time to present a speech on an unprepared topic.
The focus of Public Speaking is on the effective delivery of the spoken word. Successful public speaking is about making people listen. The focus of the evening was about the ability to persuade and engage an audience.
2019 St James College Lasallian Public Speaking Representatives:
Year 7 Noah
Year 8 Archie
Year 9 Timothy
Year 10 John
One winner from each year level is chosen. Congratulations to:
John who won the Year 10 Lasallian Public Speaking Competition.
All the speakers were proficient in presenting both their prepared and impromptu speeches and are to be congratulated on their efforts and achievements. The young men presented emotional and passionate speeches based on the issues they consider important to their generation. Topics ranged from ‘Climate Change’, ‘Men and Mental Health in the 21st Century’ and even a convincing speech by John Morgan on the ‘Irrelevance of The Oscars.’
Thank you to all the parents and family members who came to support the students.
Thank you also to all the staff who assisted in the preparation of the students’ speeches and in attending the evening.
Maryanne Stefaniw