Dance News

Dance News
It has been a busy but exciting semester in the Dance department at Dromana College.
In term one we recommenced Dance Club on Tuesday mornings & Thursday’s after school. We introduced our newest enhancement program: Musical Theatre Group (incorporating dance, singing & acting) on a Wednesday after school.
Dance Club, VCE year 12 group and Musical Theatre Group all enjoyed fabulous workshops from professional dancer Luke Alleva. Dance Club performed at the Red Hill Show and both VCE Dance classes went on an excursion to Top Class at the Melbourne Recital Center.
This term Wakakirri has taken off, beginning with a big rehearsal at Open Night, and continuing Thursday after school and Tuesday lunch times, under the leadership of year 11 VCE Dance student Gypsy Turner, as we explore the theme of Homelessness in Melbourne.
Our End of Semester Dance Evening on Wednesday 23rd May, was sensational, with all our above groups performing along with Year 9 Dance class and the unit 1 and unit 3 VCE Dance classes.
To finish the semester, a small group from Wakakirri travelled to Melbourne with Ms Sabell for the Wakakirri Careers Day on the 28th May.
We look forward to another exciting semester ahead, which will include the Wakakirri performances at Frankston Arts Center on Friday 17th August, the annual combined Performing Arts Evening (year 12’s/ unit 4 VCE Dance students will perform their solo’s) and the next end if semester dance evening late October.
The Dance teachers...
Ms Jennii Johnson, Ms Sarah Cossey, Ms Megan Downie, Ms Brittany Felsinger, Ms Sarah Beattie and Ms Taryn Sabell