Year 8 News

Camp Licola
On the 21st of March many year eight students went to Camp Licola for three days (21st-23rd March), this camp contained many fun activities but the highlights were probably the camp activities this included: high ropes, leap of faith, rock climbing, flying fox and the giant swing. These activities were challenging but also great fun. They involved team work especially for the giant swing as we had to pull our group members to the top so they could swing down, for the rock climbing we had to donkey belay members of our group so they could reach the top and not fall and for the flying fox everyone took turns in pulling the rope up to the top of the hill so we could each have a go at riding the flying fox. Over all everyone enjoyed year eight Camp and everything we did at Camp Licola.
Scarlett Baker 8TU
At camp, after dinner, we got into our activity groups and raced against the clock to see which group could get the most photos ticked off the list we were given, these included taking photos with the whole team reading, the whole team with Licola camp wildlife, the whole team with a statue, the school logo, a reflection of the whole team, the whole team re-enacting a Disney film scene and many more, but all of these had to include one object which was special to each team. When the time ran down, and the scores added up, it was announced that group ten had come in first place, closely followed by group eleven. That wrapped up our exciting night of activities and we all headed to our rooms for bed.
Sarah Wallace 8TH