Assistant Principals

College Values Wheel
The core value at Wantirna College is Respect: respect for self, respect for others and respect for the environment. As a school we have clearly defined respect by identifying 13 attitudes that we expect all members of our community to demonstrate. These are:
- Reflecting high expectations in all our achievements
- Accepting all individuals regardless of difference.
- Sustaining relationships through courtesy and support.
- Acknowledging the rights of all to a quality education.
- Seeking to understand the viewpoints and experiences of others.
- Caring for our shared resources and environment.
- Fostering a safe and supportive environment.
- Working in a team.
- Promoting a drug free environment.
- Contributing to a calm and supportive learning environment.
- Taking pride in how we present ourselves.
- Taking calculated risks to improve learning
- Persisting to improve learning.
There is also series of observable behaviors that we expect to see in relation to each of these attitudes. Some of these are general positive behaviours, whilst others are more explicitly identified as rules.
e.g. We speak and use positive and constructive language (general)
We walk our bikes on school premises and wear our helmets whilst riding. (rule)
We also have consistent expectations across the school regarding students being ready to learn in classes. These were developed in consultation with students over the years and hang in every classroom. They include:
- Be prepared for every class: This includes having the correct equipment and ensuring any preparation activities or homework has been completed.
- Be punctual for class: Including being on time, being ready to begin and meeting set dates for tasks.
- Be respectful of self, others and the environment: Including the majority of things on the College values wheel.
- Be actively involved in your learning: Including attempting all tasks, asking questions, seeking feeedback, responding to feedback and engaging in class discussions.
We ask that all parents reinforce these values and behaviours at home and use them to frame discussions about respect, school and commitment to learning.
A copy is attached below:
College Council Scholarships and Endowments
We have a number of students whose talents and passions take them into elite competition including at state, national and international level. These experiences are highly valuable for students and more often than not expensive for parents. As a school we are passionate about supporting students in these endeavours and as a result of College Council offers small scholarships or endowments for this type of experience. Students and families are able to apply for financial support for students to attend state, national and international elite competition. This support can contribute to entry fees, accommodation or transport.
Interested students and families should apply in writing to the College Council president care of the school website address. Each application will be discussed at Council and will be considered on merit. Students who receive the scholarship are required to report back to the school community through the newsletter and a direct report to council.
Student ID cards
Public Transport Victoria (PTV) issue a card for school students to allow them access to concession fares. Previously this has been done through a paper process where the student fills in the details and the College signs off that they are truly a College student. With the new Student ID cards, being issued soon, this will be a thing of the past. The 2020 Wantirna College ID card will have PTV logo and will be sufficient for students to use a proof of concession status. A separate PTV card will no longer be required.
Student Drop Off and Pick Up
There have been a number of near misses in the car park lately particularly at the beginning and end of the day. In order to keep the congestion to a minimum and to ensure cars can park and leave safely we ask that parents do not use the carpark as a drop of zone for their children.
The safest places to drop students off are on Amesbury Avenue at the bottom of the College, on Saxon Avenue and Georgian Gardens both off Harold street near the school crossing and on Templeton Street heading towards Burwood hwy past the roundabout.
We thank you for your cooperation with this.
School Uniform and Hoodies
There has been a massive improvement in student uniform since we implemented the new uniform pass system last year. However we have noticed with the cooler weather this week that some students are beginning to wear hoodies both under and over their school uniform.
Although we understand there may be the odd occasion where a student's rugby or school jumper is not available for them to wear we will not ever issue a uniform pass for a hoodie. Where the jumper is unavailable we require students to be wearing a standard pullover in a colour as close as possible to the school uniform.
If the students require another layer for additional warmth we introduced a new polar fleece lined soft cell jacket last year. These garments are extremely warm and durable and provide additional protection from wet weather. They are in stock and are available from the uniform shop.
Introducing the Assistant Principals
Catherine Ford
Andrew Lewis
Shane Kruger
Carrie Wallis