Principal's Report

Off to a flying start!
Before we know it, we are halfway through the first term of 2020, with a number of significant events already behind us. Year 7 students recently travelled down to South Gippsland for their 3 day stay at Camp Rumbug. This transition camp allowed the close to 270 new students an opportunity to build positive and strong relationships to prepare them for the year ahead.
These students were supported by an enormous team of staff and peer support students who worked closely with them over the 3 days.
The camp was not only an opportunity for students to develop a close bond but also a chance to challenge themselves in a camp environment that was full of adventure. This year was the first time that all Year 7 students attended the camp at the same time for many years. It was also the first time our school has had students attend Camp Rumbug.
I would like to thank Middle Years Leader Kathleen Timms for her hard work preparing, executing and reviewing what was the biggest Year 7 camp we have undertaken in many years. Likewise, on behalf of students and parents, I would also like to thank the teachers and peer support students who contributed significantly to another successful camp.
This week we held our annual whole school swimming sports. Fortunately the weather was warm and mostly dry, enabling the right conditions for a competitive and fun day. The atmosphere was full of colour and excitement with our Year 12s and their fancy dress leading the way. With a strong level of participation, it was Rees House who came out on top and took the honours on the day. Well done to Sports Co-ordinator Nathan Rogers who again led a successful whole school sporting event with the support of a large team of teachers.
Learning is our focus
Recently we have completed our Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) for 2020. This key document provides specific details about school goals, strategies, actions and targets for the year ahead. I encourage parents to access the document (via Compass/School Documentation/For Parents) to better understand our foci and key work for the year. Regardless of whether you do read the AIP or not, you will notice, almost immediately some of the key changes that will come about as a result of our goal this year. In particular our focus on improved assessment and reporting practices and building positive relationships between students and teachers, should be noticeable pretty soon. These evidenced based changes will result us having a stronger learning and teaching focussed and better outcomes for students. Fortunately this year we are also scheduled to hold our school review (which occurs ever 4 years) which will set our strategic direction for the next four years. This intense process will help us further refine our teaching practices to focus on improvement.
Mobile Phone Ban
The new mobile phone ban policy taking effect this year, began early for us in term 4 last year. Therefore, the process of students keeping phones stored in lockers from first bell to last has not been a significant change for most. Teachers and students have noted a positive change in social interactions in class and particularly in the yard. Students are also reporting they are less distracted in class. I would like to congratulate our students who have embraced this change with positivity and optimism.
New Staff
I would like to officially welcome a last minute addition to teaching staff for 2020, Mel Zulfic who joins us to teach digital technologies and I.T. Welcome Mel!
Kevin Murphy