Library News

News from the Library
Summer is almost over. Did you remember to let the Librarians know about the books you read? Everyone who did boosted their House Team’s chance of winning the Summer Reading Challenge for 2020 and earning House Points. The winning team, which will be announced shortly, has had their house named engraved on a shield and will be presented at a special event.
What were the most popular books of the last 12 months? Books belonging to series were popular: the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, the Harry Potter series, the Once series, The Fault in our Stars, Tomorrow when the War Began, Gone … but there was also renewed interest in some of the “Classics” such as Black Beauty, Little Women and I am Legend. Books by Stephen King made a resurgence. More recent publications that made the top 30 were: I Believe in a Thing called Love, One of us is Lying, Halfway to Good, Asylum, Avenged and Flight Path.
Visitors to the Library will notice there have been some changes to the arrangement of the Library; a new teaching area has been carved out, complete with projector and screen and the reading area has been moved to the front of the Library. Fiction is in the process of being “genrefied” – with books being put into interest areas such as Fantasy, to hopefully make it easier for students to find the kind of story they enjoy reading. Let us know what you think of these changes and what could still be changed or improved, as alterations are still happening!
Lunchtimes continue to be busy with students reading, playing games, using computers, taking part in the daily word quiz, creating art on the webex [digital whiteboard / conference device] etc.
Speaking of Art, Craft and Digital Technology, the Library, in conjunction with the Art and Technology Department, are keen to promote an Artisan of the Month. Simply email the Library a photo of one of your designs/creations and a panel will decide whether to have your piece nominated and displayed. If we get enough good content we may bring out a calendar at the end of the year!
Ms Hall and the Library Staff