Parents' Association

Who we are
We would like to extend a warm welcome to any parents who are interested in being a part of Parents' Association. We are a group of parent's who work to support students through raising funds for the curriculum which allow our students to have enriched learning experiences. Over the years this has led to significant improvements in access to technology and equipment and has included among other things the purchase of:
- drones for photography and media
- digital printers in technology and science
- rowing machines and exercise bikes in PE
- a new lighting board and leg curtains for the Production
- Matilda the lizard for Environmental Science
We also provide financial support for our recognition and award programs including:
- the Gold awards program which recognises students in year 7-9 who are consistently working towards their goals and demonstrating respect.
- Graduation gifts for the graduating year 12 cohort.
Parents' Association is also a key consultative group that is regularly canvassed about potential changes in the College. As well as sharing our own personal views on issues, we also represent the view of other parents. Current members are:
- Pamela Wade (outgoing President)
- Kiley Tait (outgoing Vice President)
- Phil Riley (outgoing Treasurer)
- Val Gallacher (secretary, yr 9 & 11 parent)
- Greg Jelley (year 12 parent)
- Delia Campbell (year 10 parent)
- Jodie Nimmo (year 10 parent)
- Sloane McGennisken (year 9 & 11 parent)
- Moqshada Pillay (year 12 parent)
- Jessica Rocca (year 11 parent)
- Michelle Gabel (year 11 parent)
- Kerrie Paulger (year 8 parent)
- Heidi Slattery (year 7 and 8 parent)
- Catherine Ford (Assistant PrincipaL)
At our last meeting we welcomed new parents:
- Tina Holmes (year 7 parent)
- Cathy Jackson (year 7 parent)
- Dennis Jackson (year 7 parent)
- Travis Geary (year 7 parent)
- Roshan Hapuarachchi (year 7 parent)
We hope all new parents felt welcomed and saw value in the meeting and the work that we do. We look forward to seeing them at the Annual General Meeting.
Welcome to new parents
We warmly invite parents from any year level to join the Parents' Association so we can be bigger and better than ever and make a difference for our students in the classroom. We are a friendly group who values new ideas and initiatives so we can make a difference for the students who attend our school.
March is the ideal time to join as we begin with our Annual General Meeting and then head into our first formal meeting for the 2020 school year. (runs from March to March).
At the AGM we will review the annual financial statements, endorse the constitution, identify office bearers for the year and be briefed around the schools Child Safe Policy and requirements for working with children's checks. Following this we will launch into the first meeting of the year.
Meetings occur once a month for ten months with the last been held off site as a Christmas celebration. They begin at 7:30pm and generally last for 60-90 minutes. Other commitments include being able to assist with fundraisers, attending parent events at the school and representing parents views in forums with the College leadership.
We would love to see you there.
Annual General Meeting
Presentation Ball 2021 Sub Committee
The Presentation Ball has historically been a major fundraiser for the Parents' Association.
Traditionally it was run largely by parents resulting in surplus funds that could be fed back into classrooms to provide enriched experiences for our students.
Over the last 5-6 years we have relied more and more heavily on staff at the College to undertake the administration of this event and the supervision of dance rehearsals.
We know the school community values the Presentation Ball as a fantastic experience for year 11 students and their families enjoys the long held traditions around this event. In order to be able to keep this event going in its current form we are looking for a group of enthusiastic parents who would like to take on board the organisation for 2021.
If you would like to be a member of this sub committee please respond via email to:
by March 27, 2020.