Wellbeing News

8 Secrets of Happiness (Summary)
What is the problem?
The number of stressed Aussies has jumped by about a third to 4.9 million during the past decade, research by health fund Medibank shows. (Medibank report)
PWC estimates the cost to Australian business is approximately $10.9 billion per year. (Healthy workplace PWC)
the Australian Red Cross says 5.6 million Australians are currently lonely and almost half the population don’t have someone they could turn to for help or companionship. Experts are now calling it the “modern epidemic”
only 52% of employees believe their workplace is mentally healthy compared to 76% for physical safety.
Only five in ten (56%) believe their most senior leader values mental health (beyondblue report)
What is the solution?
Put psychological “eggs” in your own basket - but how?
invest in your relationships - a poor relationship can shorten your life by 4 to 6 years
increase chances of getting sick by 35%
The 8 secrets of wellbeing and websites/apps that can help
If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it (ecouch/this way up/moodgym)
See life as it is, but focus on the good bits (Three Good Things)
If you want to feel good, do good (The kindness app)
When we are together, everything is better (Happify)
Be active, rest and relax (Couch to 5K)
There is more to life, when you stop and notice (Headspace/Smiling Mind)
Find time to lose yourself in what you love (Blinklist)
It helps to know what you are looking for (Bucketlistly/Soon)
Extra Resources
John and Julie Gottman’s website
The 5 languages of love website
Favourite Books
Michael Carr Gregg