Library News 

Library Borrowing

A reminder that FRIDAY is Library Day at St Joseph’s! Every student will have a library lesson on that day and is encouraged during this time to browse the selection of books available and choose suitable reading material for home. All students are required to have a library bag to ensure the safe transportation of library books between school and home. Please don’t forget to put your child’s name on their library bag. Books may be taken home for two weeks or returned weekly.

Premier’s Reading Challenge

The Premier’s Reading Challenge will soon be upon us. I will pass on further information in the coming weeks.







Please don't forget SORA as a source for your child's reading. SORA provides children with the opportunity to read on any device that has internet access, wherever they may be. It provides access to hundreds of titles which are age appropriate. All students can access SORA by logging into their school account and going onto the library site or by clicking on the icon above. 

Scholastic Book Club

Don’t forget our first book club of the year closes on 17th February. Payments may be made via LOOP on the Scholastic site, QKR and cash to the school. QKR and cash payments must have the paper order submitted to school. Unfortunately late orders are unable to be processed.