Student Support

As we settle into the 2021 school year, students will becoming aware of expectations and demands of their new class routines and school work. It is important to be aware of factors that may affect your child's transition and to support them in making this a positive experience.


Routines play a significant part in adjusting back into school life. It is important to establish routines that allow your child to feel secure in knowing what is expected, both in events or tasks and their behaviour associated with these.


Bedtime and mealtime routines are influential in your child's behaviour at school. The negative impact of a lack of sleep on cognitive function is a well-researched fact. As too is the importance of a healthy diet and the social benefits of eating together as a family.





Monitoring your child's screen-timeis essential in providing a safe, educational and satisfying experience. Balanced with this, of course, are plenty of opportunities to be active and encounter the natural environment.



Friendship groups may change for a number of reasons. New students, developmental stages and changed interests may affect how children relate to each other. Be aware and sensitive to your child's experience. Gently encouraging positive and respectful strategies will build resilience well into the future. 


If you find that your child is not settling into school as well as you might expect, please speak to your teacher. Together, we can provide the support your child may need.