Learning and Teaching Update

'We aim to provide a school environment where ‘Every person can flourish and be known’ This means that our teaching program identifies the unique needs of each individual student, and delivers a learning program designed to grow them into the best person that they can be'.

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Students,


I welcome you all to a new school year! We look forward to it being a year of possibilities, growth, rich experiences, strong relationships, purposeful connections, and being on a journey together with you. 


The students have shared their holiday experiences in the classrooms and on the playground, with teachers, staff members and their friends. This week, there has been a focus on Social and Emotional Learning in the classrooms. The students have got to know their classmates and teachers a little better, they have learned about the Growth Mindset, Classroom rules and expectations have been established and the students are now ready to begin their learning next week. 


We look forward to meeting and getting to know each one of your families next week at the Getting to Know You sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday, so if you have not booked yourself in as yet, please do so. 


I look forward to working in partnership with you again this year. I leave you with this beautiful display from one of our classrooms.


Have a safe and restful weekend.

Kindest Regards

Glennis Kerr (Teaching and Learning Leader)