Deputy Principal/Wellbeing Update

'At St Anthony’s we strive to provide safe classroom communities that provide students with a sense of safety, affirmation and belonging, alongside opportunities to explore faith and social / emotional skills.'

Deputy Principal/Wellbeing Welcome to 2021


A big warm welcome to all families for 2021. I hope that everyone had a wonderful summer break. I spent most of my time watching cricket, walking along the river and reading.


If you have any questions about Student Wellbeing at St Anthony's please feel free to speak to me in the office, email or via Class Dojo.



Below are some tips provided by the Department of Education about settling into school, especially Junior School students. 


Saying goodbye

At first, you might like to stay for a while until your child feels secure at school. When your child has settled into school, a short and reassuring goodbye encourages independence. Let them know who will pick them up at the end of the day.


Picking up children at the end of the day

When school finishes each day, your child’s class will gather at a regular place. Your child’s teacher will wait with the children. Make sure your child and their teacher know who will be collecting them each afternoon. Children can get upset if the person picking them up comes late. Check with their teacher about the best time to arrive in the afternoon and where to stand.


Keep routines

Prep children can get very tired at night because they are doing so many new and exciting things. For this reason it helps if you keep routines like bath time, meals and reading routines as regular as possible. It’s important to leave time for your child to play and get a good night’s sleep each night.