The ICT Department is delighted to welcome Ms Mary Ho into the fold. Ms Ho replaces Mr Munro who retired at the end of last year. She will be teaching Year 12 Software Development along with Year 9 Coding and Year 7 ICT. Ms Ho comes with a wealth of experience at VCE level and we look forward to having her as a member of our small department.
In October of last year, McKinnon had four students who took part in the Victorian Coding Challenge run by the Mathematical Association of Victoria (MAV). Whilst not managing to get a spot on the podium, the group were one of three entries that the judges gave special mention to. The judges commented on the groups “advanced coding techniques and organisation, and a unique approach to the quiz”. Congratulations to Nam Tran (Year 11), Kevin Yu (Year 11), David Le (Year 11) and Cameron Lai (Year 10) for taking up this challenge which I am sure was a worthwhile experience
With the absence of school assemblies last year it has not been possible to recognise students who continue to take part in the various Grok competitions that run throughout the year. Grok ran a second Web Competition in October and some students performed particularly well. The following students will receive their certificates at the next school assembly and should be congratulated for their efforts:
Ella Cairney (Year 10) - High Distinction in Web Comp Beginner
Ella Yang (Year 8) - High Distinction in Web Comp Beginner
Fonjer Zhang (Year 8) - Perfection Web Comp Intermediate
Jasmine Zhang (Year 8) - Perfection Web Comp Intermediate
Arnav Gupta (Year 11) - Perfection Web Comp Intermediate
Students should continue to check Compass for information on all the Grok competitions that the school will be offering this year.
Shirley Munro
ICT Learning Area Manager