Dear McKinnon Community
We thank you for your amazing support for our School Council Fundraiser for our much needed second gymnasium.
As the building process progresses, we are in a position to close down this fundraiser. This is the final call for anyone in the community who wishes to contribute to this exciting new development for the school. Your child’s / family name to be engraved on a brick wall of the new gymnasium.
Bricks cost $120 each. This will be a tax-deductible donation into the School Building Fund.
Donations can be made at the following link:
Kind regards,
Jennie Kim-Ross on behalf of the School Council
Happy New Year from the McKinnon Environment Council. This year, we’re aiming to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and make positive, sustainable environmental changes in our community.
Do you have some ideas on how we can reduce waste, save energy, and lessen our ecological footprint? Do you want to get involved with environmental initiatives in our school? What would you like to see at McKinnon?
The Environment Council is a growing community of students and staff who want to make a difference and a positive impact towards a greener and more sustainable world, and we’d love you to join us!
In 2020, we had a big focus on waste and recycling, culminating in our Recycling Week events in November.
Keep your eyes open for more events this year! The Environment Council now manages several recycling programs for our community and we’d love you all to continue using them this year.
Recycling Week 2020:
TerraCycle is a company that collects, sorts and redistributes hard-to-recycle products. We collect pens and writing implements to be recycled with TerraCycle as there tend to be a fair few of them around a school! If your pen/highlighter/marker/correction tape runs out, don’t throw it away, please use one of our pen recycling points in the library, T-block, Year 12 common room, MERC and the staff photocopy room.
Aldi recently launched a recycling program for household batteries to stop these hazardous materials filling up our rubbish bins. If you can’t get to an Aldi store yourself, you can drop off batteries at the library.
As we learnt in our Recycling Week Trivia event, plastic bags are enemy number one for recycling centres. Soft, scrunchable plastics such as produce bags, packaging and wrappings cannot be recycled in your kerbside recycling bin. But they shouldn’t go to landfill either! RedCycle collects soft plastics at every Coles or Woolworths supermarket, and now we collect them at McKinnon as well. If you can’t avoid using soft plastic packaging, please use our colourful collection tubs at the canteen, MERC deck and upstairs in A-Block.
Keep your eye on Compass for our first meeting in 2021. Look forward to seeing you there!
Emma Griffingham
Environment Council