Welcome back everyone!
It's great to see students back in the library for 2021.
Our current opening hours are as follows:
- 8:30am - 3:30pm
- Closed at recess
- Open at lunchtime (masks required)
- Please bring your student ID card if you would like to borrow.
Many students took the opportunity to borrow books over the holiday break. Those books are now due to be returned to the library. In addition to this, last year was difficult with periods of remote learning; many students have held onto library books. This week we have commenced sending our overdue notices to student email accounts. Please check your emails for reminders and please return any overdue books to the library. Thank you.
The Victorian Premier's Literary Awards shortlist was announced late last year.
In the category of 'Writing for Young Adults' the following books were shortlisted:
- The F Team (Rawah Arja, Giramondo)
- Metal Fish, Falling Snow (Cath Moore, Text)
- Where We Begin (Christie Nieman, Pan)
Highly commended:
- The End of the World is Bigger than Love (Davina Bell, Text)
- The Left-Handed Booksellers of London (Garth Nix, A&U)
Janene Watson
Resource Centre Manager