A warm welcome back to the new year from the Science department. We are thoroughly looking forward to providing our students with opportunities to engage in purposeful and inspiring science throughout the year. As well as classroom activities, students will participate in school-based incursions, year-level challenges and excursions to help foster their love for science.
Later in the year, we will celebrate National Science Week. This year’s theme is Food: Different by Design which pays tribute to the United Nations International Year of Fruits and Vegetables and the International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development. Further information about this week will be provided through this newsletter.
This year we welcome two new staff members to the faculty. Mr Andrew Stevenson who is teaching Year 11 Physics, and Mr Tony Ngygen who is teaching Year 9 Science. I wish them an enjoyable and successful year and look forward to their contributions to the McKinnon program. We also welcome back Ms Lara Gambino who returns from maternity leave.
This year we will continue to place all resources for our 7-10 subjects on the faculty’s Google Site. We’ve encouraged all students to regularly access this site to find details of the units of study and keep track of their work. The following link will take you to this site. (N.B: it will require your child’s school login details to access). Our VCE courses have their own individual Google Site. As well as this, each class will have a Google Classroom site established to allow teachers to correspond with their class, share lesson resources and create digital assignments.
Our Homework Club will run again this year. It provides an opportunity for Year 7-9 students to get extra help with their science work to help facilitate their understanding. It is run by one of our most experienced teachers, Mrs Rita Van Der Wolde. This year it will be held every Monday lunchtime in Room A14. We encourage your child to attend if they’re experiencing some difficulty in their classroom work or just want some extra help before a learning task.
Cherie Marks
Science Key Learning Area Manager