Welcome to Mathematics 2021. Our dedicated team of staff are committed to presenting a comprehensive Victorian and VCE Curriculum that provides students with opportunities to engage in the three strands of Number and Algebra; Measurement and Geometry; Statistics and Probability.
Our students will utilise a range of mathematical reasoning and strategies to solve mathematical problems and investigate new ideas in mathematics. Students work both individually and with peers to further their mathematical knowledge and techniques. Emphasis is placed on creating a safe environment and building confidence to enhance their mathematical opportunities and help them strive for success.
Apart from normal classes, Maths offers struggling students with Numeracy Support and this year there will be a special Maths Tutoring program being developed.
Furthermore, the Maths Faculty runs Maths Help classes every Tuesday and Thursday lunchtime in A17, to help students catch-up with work and ask questions in an informal atmosphere. CAS classes are also run to help students become more proficient in the use of their CAS calculators.
We encourage our students to read the Newsfeed and participate in the various opportunities afforded by the Faculty. This includes participation in a number of extracurricular activities e.g. numerous maths competitions, Sudoku challenge, Maths Enhancement club, Pi Day, Maths Survivor challenge, etc.
We love to see articles written by students that showcase activities attempted in and out of class. These will be included in this newsletter.
Students need to be well prepared for class and work closely with their teachers to ensure their success. Good luck for 2021!
Bill Manolas
Head of Maths