Year 6 News

Year 6

We are very happy to welcome our Year 6 students back to school and we have really hit the ground running!  It has been great to see the children re-connect with each other and become comfortable and confident with their new classmates and teachers. They have embraced the routine of the ‘soft start’ to each day and are already beginning to show initiative with their approach to their learning. 


A highlight of Year 6, which many look forward to, is being allocated a locker to help the children to be organised and prepared for all lessons. 

Another exciting moment is when the Year 6 bomber jackets are delivered and we are absolutely thrilled to announce that this year is the earliest they have ever arrived thanks to Annie in the Uniform Shop! 

A major focus for the first few weeks has been on ‘Growth Mindset’.  Our goal is for every student in Year 6 to believe that they are capable of growing their brain and developing a positive attitude towards learning no matter what their capabilities are.


“The growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts. Although people may differ in every which way in their initial talents and aptitudes, interests, or temperaments, everyone can change and grow through application and experience.”


This is important because it can actually change what you strive for and what you see as success. By changing the definition, significance, and impact of failure, you change the deepest meaning of effort.’

We encourage you to discuss this approach with your child and ask them about the power of ‘YET’.


We encourage you to discuss this approach with your child and ask them about the power of ‘YET’.

We look forward to a wonderful year – it will be busy and exciting with many fantastic experiences ahead which make Year 6 at BNPS so special!