Year 5 News

Year 5


The Year 5 teachers are delighted with the positive and productive start to the 2021 school term. The first few days focused on developing relationships and creating clear, shared expectations for our learning spaces and our approaches to learning. We hope your child has come home with a willingness to share their experiences from the start of the year. We are looking forward to getting to know each of them more as the term progresses. 


A highlight of Year 5 is undertaking the responsibility of a ‘Prep Buddy’. We are incredibly proud of the Year 5 students as they embrace this experience, taking care of their buddies at recess and lunch and guiding them through the unfamiliar territory of school life. It is fantastic to see both the younger and older children developing these special bonds of friendship. 


We remind parents to read and sign the Homework and Diary Guidelines outlined in your child’s homework book. Homework expectations have been clearly communicated and discussed with students. We appreciate your ongoing support in monitoring your child’s homework and reading. 


Mrs Boston (5A), Ms Lowers (5A), Mrs Diggins (5B), Mrs Kelly (5C) and Mrs Gill (5D)