What's happening in the Junior classrooms 

The Junior children are in full swing, getting on with the routines for Literacy and Numeracy with a sprinkle of Wellbeing during the course of the day.


The Prep children had been busy with Money concepts and Division. They have set up shop and happily took turns being the shopkeeper and the shopper. They have learnt that money is used to pay for goods and services and also identified money values for particular items. 


The children have also been learning about narrative writing and responding to literature. They have listened to stories such as Hansel and Gretel, Jack and the Beanstalk and the Emperor’s New Clothes. The Prep children are now learning to re-tell these fairy tales by writing the beginning, problem and happy ending.


For Religious Education, the children have learnt about God as a creator and identified God’s wonderful creations using art. They also listed and showed ways on how they can take care of God’s creations by picking up rubbish around the school.


The wellbeing of the children is still at the helm of our learning in the Junior School. They are learning about how to look after their personal, social and spiritual wellbeing by engaging in activities and games that promote teamwork, cooperation, fitness and meditation.


Soon, the children will be learning about Advent and Christmas and the atmosphere will be festive. It is not too long now and the students and teachers can’t wait to celebrate this special day.


Cristina Elicano

Prep Teacher