Assistant Principals' Update

Learning and Teaching 

Welcome Back!

We made it! It was wonderful to welcome all students back onsite at the College this week, even if it was only for four short days before we said goodbye to the class of 2020. To be able to gather once again as a community and celebrate together has been an absolute joy.


Thank you for your partnership as we have travelled the remote learning journey together in 2020. The support of the College community has been appreciated by staff and we are thankful for your continued encouragement as we have navigated the changes and challenges that 2020 has delivered.



The time in the lead up to Unit 3/4 examinations is an opportunity for students to dig deep as they near the finish line. I encourage all girls to give of their best and to work hard until the very end. We will be thinking of you and praying for you in the weeks ahead. Go well!


As we enter the final examination period for our Unit 3/4 VCE students we have put in place several measures to reduce the risk of COVID-19 disrupting their examinations by reducing their interaction with students in other year levels and the public. Any Year 12 student who wants to attend the College to study or meet with their teachers after Thursday 29 October must follow the procedures and expectations outlined in the letter that was sent to students and families earlier in the week.


Year 11 students who study a Unit 3/4 subject are permitted to take an optional study day on the school day immediately prior to their Unit 3/4 examination, with parent approval. Year 11 students who miss classes due to either a study day or their Unit 3/4 examination are required to communicate with the relevant teachers to ensure that they are up to date with the content covered in class. Year 11 students who miss scheduled Unit 1/2 examinations due to either a study day or their Unit 3/4 examination will have these examinations rescheduled for a different time during the Year 11 examination week.


Allwell Testing – Years 7- to 9

The purpose of the assessment is to provide the College with information about your daughter’s skills in literacy and numeracy.  It will assist us in identifying possible areas of need for extension or additional assistance.  It also provides an effective summary of how our students compare to a broader state-wide population. This helps the College provide a curriculum suitable for our girls in the months ahead.


On the date of your daughter’s test she will need to arrive at the College for the start of the regular school day. The test session will take place in the morning after Homeroom with a break for morning tea. Please note that the girls will be dismissed for the day at the beginning of lunch time (1.24pm) on the day of their test.


The tests will be facilitated at the College in large venues where the girls can be appropriately gathered and distanced in accordance with our COVID-19 safe plan. 


The testing will take place on the dates listed below:

  • Year 7 General Achievement Test – Wednesday 4 November
  • Year 8 General Achievement Test – Thursday 5 November
  • Year 9 General Achievement Test – Friday 6 November

Year 10 and Year 11 End of Year Examinations

Our end of year examinations will be modified slightly in acknowledgement of the year that students have had. We recognise the importance of examinations and the skills that students develop through purposeful study and application and that these are a vital component of their development in the senior secondary years. However, we also know that students are provided with feedback of their learning through a variety of different assessment tasks and that examinations are just one component of effective feedback.


Year 10 examinations are scheduled for Thursday 26 November and Friday 27 November and will occur for the core subjects of:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science

Year 11 students will have a study day offsite on Monday 23 November followed by four days of examinations from Tuesday 24 November to Friday 27 November. These examinations will be scheduled for all VCE Unit 1/2 studies and VCE/VET Sports and Recreation.


More information regarding end of year examinations can be found in the letter that was emailed home to families of Year 10 and Year 11 students.


Subject Selections

Students will soon receive notification of their allocated subjects for 2021. From next Wednesday 4 November we will post a change of subject request form on SIMON and provide students will a short window of opportunity to request subject changes in preparation for the 2021 school year. These forms will need to be completed and submitted to Student Reception by Monday 9 November. I encourage all students to take this weekend to carefully consider their subject allocations as, unfortunately, late requests for changes will not be able to be accommodated. 



In line with our efforts to improve sustainability at the College and reduce our carbon footprint, Kilbreda has moved to online ordering for all booklists for 2021.


Families will be able to access the booklists from the Campion website. To access the Kilbreda portal click on the Campion icon below which will take you to the login page.


 The link can also be found on PAM in the ‘Booklist’ folder or on the College website under the Enrolment Tab ‘Uniforms and Books’. The Campion portal is now open and accepting orders. 


More details regarding booklists can be found in the letter that was emailed to families this week.


Jane Ward

Assistant Principal: 

Learning and Teaching

Wellbeing and Engagement 

The Class of 2020 will forever be remembered for their flexibility, agility, good humour and resilience in navigating their final year of high school in the most extraordinary of circumstances.  The whole Kilbreda community is very proud of the way in which Year 12 2020 have worked hard and achieved so much.  They are confident, compassionate, talented, vibrant and articulate young women who have inspired a whole generation of Kilbreda girls with Strength and Kindliness.


In 2020, our students have been led with great energy, enthusiasm and compassion by two incredible young women, Kate Lowe and Keely Ortland.  It is during challenging times that you see the integrity and strength of leadership.  Like their theme of strength through unity, they have radiated hope and optimism this year as they redesigned ideas and initiatives and supported others with genuine care and empathy.  They have set the tone for the entire student community and with respect, graciousness and kindness it has been felt throughout each year level.


As our Class of 2020 prepare for their final examinations, over 10% of the cohort have already received early offers into a number of different universities or TAFE courses. This is testament to their hard work as well as commitment to other interests and co-curricular activities, including service learning.  We wish them well for these final weeks.


This week, the girls celebrated their final week of school through some fun activities, formal assemblies and their graduation liturgy and celebration event.  As part of these events, the College acknowledged academic excellence and endeavour as well as contribution to school life.  


The love and collegial spirit are hallmarks of the Class of 2020.  This has amplified their care for one another, strengthened the community and brought about closeness and deep happiness amid adversity. These courageous and inspiring individuals who have graced us with their gifts and talents over the past six years will soon walk out of the gates of our red brick school for one last time.  As a school community we offer the following words of encouragement:


‘As you move beyond the VCE or VCAL, do not worry so much about what you will do; instead worry about the type of person you will become. Keep an open mind and an open heart and write the next chapter of your life with flair and fun.  Life will continue to teach you lessons, so continue to embrace the opportunities that come your way.  Remember that you will always be a Kilbreda girl and that your light will shine bright no matter what the journey ahead.’ 


Stephanie Smyth

Assistant Principal: 

Wellbeing and Engagement