Mr Allister Hill

Middle Sub School Manager


I would like to start with a huge congratulations to all our Year 9 and 10 students on a safe and organised return to face-to-face learning. We are all very proud of the way you have soldiered on in challenging circumstances. The Middle School is really happy to see you all back to face-to-face learning. It is really important that you all put your best foot forward and work with your subject teachers to achieve the learning outcomes in every class. The end of year exams will come around very quickly, so it's important you are best prepared for these.


Year 10 Examinations: Week 7

Year 9 Examinations : Week 8

Returning to School - Academic Support

There will be some students who may be feeling a little anxious for various reasons so please support one another. We will be running student support sessions at lunchtime for those who need and want to catch up on any coursework. The aim of these sessions is for the Middle Sub School team to support Year 9 and 10 students by providing a space to catch up on any overdue work from remote learning.

  • Tuesday and Thursday lunchtimes.
  • C classrooms - near MSS office
  • Voluntary student attendance initially
  • Those students who are “at risk of failing subjects” must go to these sessions
  • Subject teachers may utilise this space also
  • Treats on arrival

2021 Subject Selections and Courses

We have released 2021 individual student subject selections for our current Year 9 and 10 students. Please ensure you triple check these selections with your parents. You need to make sure you are happy with these selections as we won't be making any changes after the due dates.


Some of you may have some questions as to why you’re not in a particular subject. Basically, students were allocated subjects based on their preferences and the blocking of particular subjects. There is more information on your Year level Google classroom pages. There should be very few students needing to change subjects.  We will do our best to accommodate student changes that are based on your career pathway. It should be very clear that we cannot change a class because your friend is in a different class. Those that do need to make a change will need to speak to their Coordinator or me first and then collect a Change of Subject form to be signed by their parent/carer. 

Week 4 Progress Reports

Please be reminded that students will be receiving their next progress reports at the end of Week 4. These will include three weeks of face-to-face attendance data. 

2021 Booklist

Students should have received a 2021 booklist during Home Group this week. Please speak to your Home Group teacher if you did not get yours. Students must submit their booklist online, according to the instructions on the booklist.  The submission date is: Friday, 30 October.


Please ensure you purchase all the materials, textbooks and resources for your core subjects and electives. As mentioned previously, your 2021 subjects and electives have been posted on Google Classroom.  It is important that students have a working pencil case with all the standard requirements. However, specialist stationery or equipment, such as specific calculators, specific types of folios, organisers, must not be ignored