
Congratulations to all of our amazing Year 12 students who are completing their formal classes this week. I sincerely hope you all enjoy the day on Friday and are able to celebrate and reflect upon what you have achieved so far and persevere through this last phase of study and exams. It certainly has been a very challenging year for everyone.  Our Year 12s have shown incredible resilience in the face of adversity and they should be celebrated and congratulated for overcoming many obstacles. I have had the pleasure of getting to know many of the Year 12s and can attest to their strength and determination, traits that will hold them in good stead in the future. 

Students from other year levels appear to be settling back into the daily school routine, and it is pleasing to see friendship groups re-connecting. I would encourage all students to make the most of their opportunities over the remaining weeks of Term, whether that be through working hard in classes in the lead up to exams, participating in College sports such as tennis, cricket or rowing and making the most out of spending time with their friends. Perhaps for some students, particularly Year 7s, this will be a time for consolidating friendship groups as there has been considerable time learning remotely this year. Now is the time to enjoy the Spring weather, practise self-care and look after one another as we head into the busy time of assessments and exams. 

I saw the graphic below on social media this week from Mental Health Awareness Life.  I thought it was a timely reminder of the different experiences and challenges we all face. Please keep asking those around you how they are going and take the time to listen to their response. Genuine listening and caring will allow us to be aware of how others are feeling and we can see how their “plate” is holding up. Understanding that we all handle difficulties differently can make us more empathic. 


Kate Couchman

Student Counsellor