Teaching and Learning

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.

Ecclesiastes 3:1

This week we farewell our Year 12 students and celebrate the contribution that each young adult has made to the life of the College. I know that each one of them is longing for this year to be over, for the next chapter of life to unfold. They look forward to a future hope; a life of study, work and travel, of time with family and friends, of adventure and learning in a world where there is more certainty and optimism.

But there is a time for everything and 2020 has been the year that was meant to be. Many of our Year 12 students have continued to work hard, manage learning in new and innovative ways and maintain the connections to the important people in their life. For those who have found continuous remote learning more challenging, these too are experiences that have given birth to new skills and I dare say new insight into how they learn and do life. 

The Hamilton and Alexandra College is a Uniting Church school, and we endeavour to offer our students an opportunity to connect their academic learning and life experiences to a strong wellbeing program, one underpinned by the Christian faith. It is appropriate therefore that at this time, we offer our Year 12 students a blessing as they go out in the world, as they finish exams and start the next big thing. 

Earlier in the year people from all over the world collaborated to offer a blessing to people in 2020. I offer this Australian version of “The Blessing” to our Year 12 cohort with the hope that each young adult, their family, and generations to come with know blessing, hope and peace.

The Lord bless you and keep you

Make His face shine upon you

And be gracious to you

The Lord turn His face toward you

And give you peace.


Click the link here: 

: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=the+blessing+australia+youtube&view=detail&mid=66D01C4B42E5DC51C65366D01C4B42E5DC51C653&FORM=VIRE0&ru=%2fsearch%3fq%3dthe%2bblessing%2baustralia%2byoutube%26cvid%3d3c9d315d2a754b96b063f4f3cbca0504%26pglt%3d43%26FORM%3dANSPA1%26PC%3dU531

The Hamilton and Alexandra College End of Year Examinations

It has been lovely to welcome students back on campus and continue our learning face to face this term. This week marks the end of the UNSW REACH Testing that all Years 7-10 students have completed. Students have sat test papers in English, Maths and Science.  We look forward to working through the data and devising ways to best support each child’s learning into 2021. I extend my thanks to the work of Peter Steer and Ian Cook who supported the technical set up of the tests and ensured the online program ran smoothly.

At the end of this week, there will be just over four weeks until our End of Year Examination Period begins. 

For our Years 10 – 11 students the exam period will be from Thursday 26th November – Wednesday 2nd December 2020.

For our Middle Years students in Years 7-9, the exam period will be from Wednesday 2nd December – Friday 4th December 2020.

In the coming weeks students will have the opportunity to discuss the expectations for exams and how they can start revision. Our Mentors play an important role in supporting students in developing the appropriate skills and time management to ensure they are prepared for the End of Year Examination period. 

If your child is anxious about the exam period or has questions about what is expected in a particular subject I would encourage them to make contact with their mentor and subject teacher and have an early conversation about how they can prepare. There is no substitute for consistent hard work, preparation, and good habits.

Course Confirmation for 2021

All students in Years 8-12 in 2021 should have now received written confirmation of their subjects for 2021.  We look forward to working with you in our Explore and Emerge Programs next year.


Susan Bradbeer

Deputy Principal of Teaching and Learning