Associate Principal, Operations Report

Earlier this week, all Years 11 and 12 students received information from Mrs Bonnett about the processes leading up to the VCE examinations.  For most Year 11s, there will be one subject to worry about. They were reminded that, this year, our school final examinations will be much closer to the VCE papers than usual. Advice was to stay organised and to plan the use of revision time carefully so that all exams can be faced with confidence. 


At Year 12 level, some performance examinations have already been held and language oral exams are just around the corner.  Whilst these will exercise minds, again organisation and planning is important so that the later written exams are properly prepared for.  Equally important is practising writing under time pressure.  Students were encouraged to complete practice and past exam papers, write practice essays, complete exercises – and then to seek feedback about these from their teachers. There is a tendency amongst some students to say, “I need to do more revision” first; however, now is the time to be seeing what is known by completing exams, essays and exercises.


It is important that the Year 12s do not allow this week to distract them from what still has to be done next week.  They are fortunate that, this year, Speech Day is over a week before the first written examination and that normal classes will continue next week for a further four days.  This should allow them to stay focused and to continue to benefit from interaction with their teachers.  I can certainly think of several students in previous years who have used this short period to turn an expected C+ or shakey B into an A or better result.


In the end, we want them to feel they have done their best.  If they can say they achieved that level, we will be proud of them.


Neil MacLean

Associate Principal, Operations