Secondary Year 12

Term 1
Our Year 12 students have returned to school prepared to be the leaders of the school, displaying maturity and ready for their final year of studies.
This term the Year 12s are studying Literacy, Numeracy and Personal Development skills via the topic Getting Around. This theme aims to provide students with an awareness of social and cultural sites around Melbourne, a better understanding of our local environment and the layout of the CBD and greater knowledge of public transport options. The program with also reinforce the skills and attributes students need to gain a greater degree of independence and confidence.
To address the Work Related Skills strand, students are working in mixed groups to run the school canteen, hold a weekly Bunnings BBQ, and a student-directed entrepreneurial project.
In addition, we have 22 students enrolled in School-Based Apprenticeships (SBAT). SBATs allow students to study and gain on-the-job experience, being paid for their hours in the workplace. This year we have 9 boys undertaking the Certificate II in Warehousing Operations at the Salvation Army warehouse in Brunswick, assembling furniture and other timber products. We are also very pleased to have partnered with Water 2 All, a social-enterprise that delivers Certificate II in Food Preparation, preparing meals for a local community organisation to distribute. The students in 12C work each Wednesday preparing rice and pasta dishes, soups and sandwiches, then complete training modules in class on Thursdays.