Upper Primary Learning


The students in Upper Primary participate in structured Maths lessons across the week.  In the first few weeks teachers have been busy completing assessments such as the Mathematics Online Interview.  This assessment tool provides staff with information about each individual students’ knowledge and skills in Maths.  The information provides the foundation for designing classroom based learning activities. 


Students in Upper Primary participate in the Early Years Literacy Program.  The program provides the structure for delivering the English curriculum.  Each class participates in Reading & Viewing and Writing lessons across the week.  The Speech Pathologist and Occupational Therapist work closely with the Upper Primary Team to deliver targeted ‘Speaking and Listening’ and ‘Fine Motor’ activities.  These activities are run by the Therapy Team in small focus groups and then followed up in the classroom by teachers.

Social Competencies

The students have been involved in the start-up program.  This has been developing expectations of the students in the classroom and yard. Classroom teachers have discussed class and section rules, as well as setting class routines and structures.  Students are encouraged to make ‘good choices’ and show increased independence.


Each class is visited weekly by the Social Competency teacher.  During these visits specific skills are targeted and explicitly taught to the students. These lessons are then followed up by classroom teachers later in the week. Social Competency lessons over the next few weeks will focus on identifying different feelings and how you feel when you are experiencing those emotions.

Integrated Unit

The Integrated Unit focus for semester one is ‘First Fleet’.  Students will have the opportunity to investigate stories of the convicts from the First Fleet and compare life as an early settler with modern living.


During first term students will also engage with the minor units of Sunsmart, Winter Olympics, Commonwealth Games and Easter.


Chris Norman

Upper Primary Team Leader