
The J.F.C. Band Needs You!!!!
...Yes, You
Did you know you can learn a musical instrument right here at school…??
Learning to play an instrument is both fun and good for you!
Research has proven that music making helps to improve all facets of learning, including: literacy, numeracy, social/emotional development and self-esteem.
At JFC we have a Music Programme, which offers tuition in the following:
Guitar, electric-bass, keyboards, drums and vocals.
And, we also have a Pop/Rock Band!
Our two music teachers, Dan and Aidan (“Mr Mac”), are currently giving lessons to a talented and eager bunch, but we have room for more…
Lessons are held either individually or in pairs during regular school hours and lessons rotate to avoid clashes with other classes.
Best of all: learning an instrument or voice at JFC guarantees entry into the J.F.C. Band!
There is a nominal administration fee to join the Instrumental Programme, however the value for money is exceptional.
So, if you and/or your child are keen to find out more, simply drop by the office, pick up a form and sign up today!
Or: Call the school office at: 9359 1166,
Or: Email either of our two music teachers at: