Mosque Permission Slips

Dear Parents/Guardians
We understand that some students would like to attend prayer at the
local mosque on Fridays, in the middle of the day.
We are happy to support this request from families however all students who would like to attend the Mosque must have a new permission slip signed for Semester 2, 2023.
Please sign and return the form to the office by Thursday 13th of July 2023.
Those students who do not have the new signed permission slip for Semester 2 will not be allowed to attend the Mosque.
The permission slip is available to pick up from the front office during school hours or is available to download below.
Please contact our front office if you have any questions.
The signed permission slip can be return to us by:
- Dropping it off to the front office. Open Monday-Friday during school hours. Closed on the school holidays.
- Emailing it to us: