Principal team report

Happy holidays everyone, from the principal team!
Thank you to all of our families for continuing to support us and your child at JFC. We have had a really productive first semester with some fantastic achievements.
Our senior students are wonderful role models for the rest of the school. We farewelled the last of the VCAL students last week and look forward to catching up with them at the Year 12 formal in August. The Year 12 VCE students have finished Unit 3, and just have one more term of work before they start revision for the exams. While we hope they rest up over the holidays, they will also have some work to do! The Year 11 VCE students have now finished their first semester, Unit 1, and have done extremely well, and we congratulate them on their efforts.
All students will receive their reports this week, and we encourage parents to go through the results with their child and discuss where they have done well and where they need to improve. Please reach out to us next term if you feel your child needs extra support in any of their classes.
We farewelled Ms Sharnie Gibbs today, who will transfer to a primary school for the next stage of her teaching career. We will miss Sharnie, as she has been such a great asset to our school as teacher of AUSLAN, PE, Food Tech, and also year level coordinator. We wish Sharnie all the best! We also farewell Mr Harry Twyford, who will finish up this week. We thank Mr Twyford for his work in Health and PE and wish him all the best for the next stage of his career.
We are delighted to welcome back Mr Graham McKee who will be remembered by many of our students and families. Graham will take My Twyford's classes in term 3, and we will continue to advertise for another PE teacher.
Wishing you all a safe and restful break and look forward to seeing you back again in Term 3, on Monday 10 July!
Dr Lisa Vinnicombe - Executive Principal
Ms Maria Hristova - Assistant Principal
Mr Cemal Hakki - Assistant Principal