Year 11 EAL

This term in Year 11 EAL, the Year 11 EAL students planned, drafted, and published an anthology of stories around the idea of growing up. This included designing a cover and developing a blurb and dedication together as a class. This week, our published stories were delivered. These books will be available in the school library and in the staff room for staff and students to read. If anyone from the school community would like a digital copy, please speak with Olivia.
To see a peek inside the anthology, please see the blurb below:
This book is a collection of short stories, personal memoirs and poems compiled by Year 11 EAL students at Tarneit Senior College. We spent the first part of this term closely studying different texts around the idea of growing up. These stories inspired us to reflect on our own experiences of growing up, our unique journeys and hardships of leaving our countries of origin behind and moving to Australia. We each selected our favourite stories and compiled them into this anthology: Growing Up Away From Home.
These tales are not as foreseeable as you might think, instead they are riveting, and we hope you feel an overwhelming sense of empathy and sorrow but also appreciate the beauty in our stories. You will read about the humorous sentiments, to the sacrifices some of our parents had to make. You will explore and learn about our diverse cultures, traditional events, language barriers, delicious cuisines and much more. These are a set of stories that reflect and appreciate the places we used to call home, reflect on the colourful aspects of journeys we took to get here and celebrate our new home, Australia.