Year 5 Celebration Newsletter


This term the students gained an understanding of inverse operations as they explored the relationship between addition and subtraction as well as multiplication and division. They learned and applied a range of efficient mental and written strategies to solve number and word problems involving subtraction. The students developed an understanding of angles using protractors, and measured acute, obtuse, right and reflex angles within the real world. The students built upon their multiplicative thinking skills and become familiar with efficient strategies and algorithms to solve increasingly challenging problems. 



This term the Grade 5s read ‘The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe’. The students applied a range of comprehension strategies in order to gain meaning from texts, and strengthened their summarising skills by creating a ‘matchbox summary’.  They learned about and used language features such as similes, metaphors and alliteration, and explored symbolism and themes within a range of texts. At the conclusion of the text, the students viewed the film adaptation of ‘The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe’ and compared and contrasted differences and similarities between the two mediums using a Venn Diagram.



During Term Two we explored author’s voice and word choice when conveying emotion and maintaining the reader’s interest, and built the student’s writing skills in these areas. Students explored quality mentor texts that inspired them to write adventure or realistic narratives with multi-dimensional characters and plotlines involving a problem that was resolved. The writing program linked closely with reading during a unit on biographies. Students researched the life and achievements of an inspirational person, then drafted and published a biography showcasing this information.



As part of the Inquiry program, students were immersed in design and technology by exploring simple machines that have changed our lives. They selected and used suitable materials, tools, equipment and techniques to design and safely made a Rube Goldberg inspired machine for their project at home. The second Inquiry unit focused on living things and how their features and adaptations help them to survive in their environment. The students researched how a specific plant or animal adapts to their environment and produced a detailed labelled diagram of their chosen living thing. 



Grade 5s enhanced our wellbeing this term with the continuation of the Resilience Project, as well as through the addition of Respectful Relationships lessons. Students built upon their understanding of gratitude, empathy and mindfulness through a series of carefully planned and targeted learning experiences.




This term in Japanese the Year 5 students developed their reading, writing, speaking and listening through the theme “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. They expanded their vocabulary and learnt how  to write full sentences such as “On Monday, I ate an apple”. They continued to learn the three scripts of Japanese, with hiragana being the main focus. Students also learnt about cultural events in Japan such as Children’s Day and Tanabata Festival.


Performing Arts


Grade Five students explored the impact that music has on emotions and building suspense in movies. They investigated how movie soundtracks can change the tone and genre of a movie scene and also experimented with making their own different musical soundtracks to change the opening scene of ‘The Lion King’. 




During term 2, students have been able to refine their techniques in a variety of bat and ball skills. They have worked on throwing and catching skills, using a tennis ball. Students have been able to demonstrate their foot skills as in soccer. They have been given the opportunity to participate in a tennis program where they were able to show their skills using a racquet. Students have worked with a partner and in small groups.