Year 3/4 Celebration Newsletter


In writing, the 3/4s have been looking at one of the following text types:

Persuasive (3 & 4)

We have been working on our skills of persuasion and being able to share a point view supported by arguments. 

Procedural (4)

We have been learning how to inform a reader by writing a procedural with clear directive sentences. 

Poetry (3s and 3/4A)


We have been learning how to use poetic devices in our writing to create short poems.



Throughout Term Two, grade 3 and 4 students have been developing their vocabulary by finding new and interesting words in their texts and identifying the meaning. They have increased their reading fluency by using word solving strategies and reading out loud to a partner. They have been building their comprehension skills by focusing on inferential and literal questions, making connections and identifying the main idea in texts.  



In Mathematics this term, the Grade 3 and 4 students learnt mental strategies for addition and subtraction and the connection between these two operations. They identified acute, right and obtuse angles and measured, compared and ordered objects in terms of their mass. Students learnt how to slide, flip and turn shapes and how to match positions on maps. They gathered data and created written and digital graphs to represent it.



In science this term, the grade 3 and 4 students have learnt about the stages of life cycles of different living things. Students delved into the lifecycle of plants and explored the ecosystems of animals by categorising animals into producers, consumers, and decomposers. Students used this knowledge to examine food chains and described the relationship between predators and prey. 


Design Technology

Students have been investigating food and fibre production that are used in modern societies - they researched a specific product and presented it to the class. Their project included the needs of the product, where it is produced and how it is farmed. 



In Term Two, grade 3 and 4 students have been completing exercises and activities based on the Resilience Project program. Our lessons have been based around Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness. Some things our students have participated in: identifying character strengths in themselves and other students, identifying moments of gratitude and things in life we are grateful for, developing our emotional literacy skills, meditation and identifying moments when we have shown empathy to someone else.



This term in Japanese the Year 3 students learnt the 46 hiragana characters used to read and write most words in Japanese. They completed a booklet called “Hiragana Passport '' which supports their recognition of each character. Students were supported to learn hiragana through flash cards and games. They became increasingly confident with using the hiragana chart to support their reading and writing of Japanese. Students also learnt about cultural events in Japan such as Children’s Day and Tanabata Festival.


The Year 4 students revised the 46 hiragana characters used to read and write most words in Japanese. They completed a booklet called “Hiragana Passport '' which supports their recognition of each character. Students were supported to learn hiragana through flash cards and games. They became increasingly confident with using the hiragana chart to support their reading and writing of Japanese. Students also learnt about cultural events in Japan such as Children’s Day and Tanabata Festival.


Performing Arts

Grade Three students put into practice their work on reading music from the previous term. They learned to play several songs on the recorder and developed their physical technique, building confidence when they shared with their peers to both give and receive feedback.


Grade Four students built on their previous knowledge from last year when they began to read more complex sheet music. Beginning with a revision of reading notes on a musical stave, they further developed their ability to read more complex songs and began to play these songs on the keyboard. They developed their physical technique and built confidence when they shared their keyboard music with their peers to both give and receive feedback.



Grade 3 - Students have been given the opportunity to work on a variety of ball skills this term. They have been able to show their foot skills as in soccer and football. Students have worked on throwing and catching skills as in netball and basketball. They have been able to practise basketball dribbling skills. Students have worked with a partner and in small groups. 


Grade 4 - Students have been given the opportunity to work on a variety of ball skills this term. They have been able to show their foot skills as in soccer and football. Students have worked on throwing and catching skills as in netball and basketball. They have been able to practise basketball dribbling skills. Students have worked with a partner and in small groups.