Brooke's Message

Friday 23rd June

Dear Parents/Carers,


As we approach the end of this term, I would like to take a moment to express my gratitude for your continued support.  It really has been an eventful term, filled with challenges and successes, and I am so proud of how our MSS school community continues to come together to ensure everyone feels supported.


As we prepare for the cold winter months ahead, I would like to remind everyone to stay warm and take the necessary precautions to stay healthy.  Dress warmly and in layers, drink plenty of fluids, and wash your hands frequently to prevent illness. 


Once again, I would like to thank you for your continued and valued contributions to MSS. Have a warm and restful term break, and I look forward to seeing you all next term.


With the increase in the popularity of Vapes/E-Cigarettes amongst our teenagers, and unfortunately some of our students, I wanted to take this opportunity to remind you all that schools are no smoking/vaping environments. 


We would encourage you to try and find an opportunity to have a conversation with your young people about the dangers of vaping, particularly at such a young age.


If you would like advice about how to approach this subject with your child, please feel free to contact the Leadership Team who would be happy to offer some guidance.

Student Drop Off & Pick Up

Once again, please can I remind you all that you should not be double parking on the slip lane.  The police have been patrolling much more frequently recently and fines are being issued; the photo below is taken from a police car. 


I realise that continually looping can be frustrating but would encourage you to keep moving to avoid penalties. 

AFLW School Visit

MSS recently had the opportunity to host some AFLW Bulldogs players and some representatives from AFL Victoria. A select group of students had the opportunity to ask questions, join in some fun football drills and practice their skills with the players. We had over 30 students attend this session from across the school. 


We received some really encouraging feedback from them after:


Hi Craig, Glad to hear the students enjoyed the session! That’s awesome to hear, and the girls mentioned it was the best school visit they have been a part of so a big thank you to your students for the way they were so polite and engaging with the session. 


Great work Team MSS


Best wishes
