Dry July 

"Doing It For Dad"

Old Virgilans Tadhg and Declan Waddington are raising money in memory of their dad and beloved staff member Mark Waddington this July. 


Raising money for the Ballarat Regional Integrated Cancer Centre, Tadhg and Declan will also be taking a set shot at goal for every dollar raised in rain, hail or shine! 


Find further information and make a donation on the Dry July webpage:




Watch their story as shown on Sunrise here: https://fb.watch/lxLHL6AedH/.


Tadhg will be at New Town Oval on 22 July for the whole day taking his set shot at goal. We would love to see support from the Old Virgilians in his efforts - but also to give a hand returning balls. If you find yourself in Melbourne on this day, be sure to swing by Gosch's Paddock to support Declan. It will be a long day for the gents!


Tadhg shares his motivation for the challenge on his Dry July webpage:


"I'm going dry this July in memory of my Dad, Mark Waddington who was taken from us in August of 2022 by a rare form of cancer called mesothelioma. 


Dad was a champion of charity and showed that gentle kindness was a powerful means of change. His battle with cancer inspired many, as he worked tirelessly for his community up until his final hours, and I am so proud of him and his fight. He provided myself and many others with hours of his time, wisdom, patience and love. I miss him everyday and life will never be the same without him. 


This cause is close to my heart, and I would love to make even the smallest impact for those going through a battle similar to what Dad had. 


The charity I have selected, operates in the heart of Western Victoria where Dad worked, lived and loved for much of his life. Every dollar of this goes towards the betterment of others, something Dad would be stoked about.


One of the things I miss most about Dad is sharing sport with him. So, as a sweetener and potential incentive for anyone to donate, on the 22nd of July, I will be going to the local football ground and taking a set shot for every dollar raised ($300 = 300 set shots). So if you want to see me kicking goals in the rain so others can kick goals for cancer care and research, please consider donating.


Dad was the best, and hopefully the fundraising from this and others taking on Dry July can help those in need. Tell people you love them."