Cohort News

"I alone cannot change the world, 

but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” 

Mother Teresa

Year 7 Pastoral Care

Dear Parents and Guardians,


The first semester of Year 7 has had many highlights for us, including camp, the TAS show, Founders Day, the Push Up Challenge and individual success in our classwork. These highlights have helped us form happy memories of our first months at Brigidine. We are excited about the many more highlights and exciting opportunities this year will present.


We have had so many challenges in high school that we have overcome, such as getting lost in the buildings, finding new friends and the increase in school work. We have worked hard to manage ourselves and overcome the challenges with thanks to our teachers and friends. 


We are looking forward to the next semester of our studies. We will be exploring some new and exciting topics and more sports and extracurricular opportunities. Some of us are looking forward to the Science excursion to Taronga Zoo as well as the many learning opportunities that will be available to all of us. 


Year 7 would like to thank our Pastoral Care Teachers for all their support for us and their check-ins ensuring we are ok each day. We would also like to thank Ms Doran for her ongoing care of us and for always reminding us of important things. Finally, we want to thank our parents and family for helping us to transition to high school and for caring and supporting us all the time. 


Have a wonderful break,


 Year 7 SRC Representatives and Year 7 students


Each newsletter will feature a Pastoral Care Teacher from Year 7 as they share some insight into their lives at Brigidine College.


Name & Pastoral Care Class: 

Miss Clarke, 7 Aquinas


How long have you been a member of the Brigidine Community?

6 months 


What do you love about your job?

I love seeing the girls enjoy their learning and participating in Food Tech pracs! 


What is your highlight of the year so far?

The highlight of my year so far has been seeing students coming out of their shells this term.


What is your favourite memory/thing about your PastoralCare class?

My favourite memory about my PC class was seeing the girls become comfortable with each other and supporting each other on school camp.


Do you have a special message for Year 7?

Don't sweat the small stuff; remember that schoolwork and school-related stress are not the end of the world. Yes, they are important, but your mental health and the memories you make with your friends are what will stick with you the longest.


Brenda Doran 

Year 7 Pastoral Care Coordinator

Year 8 Pastoral Care

Dear Year 8 Parents and Carers,


I hope this newsletter finds you well and that you're looking forward to the upcoming school holidays. As we come to the end of Semester 1, I would love to take a moment to acknowledge the achievements and progress made by our Year 8 students towards their individualised goals. It has been an eventful term filled with growth, learning, and remarkable accomplishments.


Reviewing Reports with Your Child

As the Semester concludes, we encourage you to take some time to sit down with your daughter and review her Semester 1 reports. This is an excellent opportunity to celebrate her successes, acknowledge her efforts, and identify areas for further improvement. Our dedicated teachers have worked tirelessly to provide comprehensive feedback, highlighting your daughter's strengths and offering suggestions for continued growth. By engaging in this discussion, you can support your daughter's educational journey and help her in setting new goals for the next term.


Maintaining Safety during School Holidays

With the school holidays here, it's crucial to ensure the continued safety of our students. I kindly ask parents to be vigilant and remind your daughters about maintaining her personal safety during this break. Here are a few suggestions to keep in mind: 


Communicate: Encourage open and honest communication with your daughter. Make sure she knows she can always approach you or a trusted adult if she has any concerns or needs assistance. 


Online Safety: Monitor your daughter's online activities and remind her about the importance of safe internet practices. Encourage her to be cautious and respectful at all times while interacting with others on social media platforms. 


Responsible Behavior: Reinforce responsible behaviour when outside the home. Discuss road safety, stranger danger, and the importance of following rules and guidelines. 


Encourage Healthy Habits: Emphasise the significance of maintaining a balanced lifestyle, including adequate sleep, physical activity, and a healthy diet.

Congratulations to Peaches Cane!

We are delighted to announce that one of our talented Year 8 students, Peaches Cane, has been accepted into Taronga's prestigious Youth At The Zoo (YATZ) program. Peaches has demonstrated exceptional dedication towards helping to better understand animals and has a genuine passion for their conservation. Peaches underwent an extensive application process and was named as one of the 97 young people selected out of 500 applicants. This accomplishment is a testament to her hard work and commitment. Please join us in congratulating Peaches on this remarkable achievement! We look forward to hearing all about the work you will be getting involved in!


Final Thoughts

As we prepare to bid farewell to Term 2, I would like to extend my gratitude to all parents and carers for your continued support and cooperation. Together, we have created an environment that nurtures growth and development, both academically and personally, for our Year 8 students. I wish you all a safe and enjoyable school holiday break. May this time be filled with relaxation, quality family moments, and opportunities for our students to explore their interests outside of the classroom. We look forward to welcoming everyone back for an exciting and productive Term 3.


Kind regards,


Rebecca Monohan

Year 8 Pastoral Care Coordinator

Year 9 Pastoral Care

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students, 


As we say farewell to Term 2 and prepare for a well-deserved break, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the past few months and highlight some important updates and achievements within our Year 9 community. It has been an eventful term filled with growth, learning, and memorable experiences. 


Academic Achievements:

Our Year 9 students have demonstrated exceptional dedication to their studies this term. They have embraced new challenges, expanded their knowledge across various subjects, and shown a remarkable level of maturity in their approach to learning. I am proud to say that our students have achieved pleasing results in their assessments and examinations, and they should be commended for their hard work and commitment.


Well-being and Personal Growth:

At the heart of our Pastoral Care program is the well-being and personal growth of our students. This term, we have focused on fostering a supportive and inclusive environment where every student feels valued and respected. We have provided opportunities for self-reflection and personal development, encouraging our students to explore their interests, develop their strengths, and build their resilience. We will continue on this well-being journey in Semester 2, with a focus on resilience, respectful relationships, gratitude, and a growth mindset.


Pastoral Care Class Goals:

Our Year 9 students have actively participated in Pastoral Care class goals, demonstrating initiative, compassion, and commitment to making a positive impact on the world around them. Some classes participated in fundraising events while others wrote gratitude letters to their teacher. These efforts have made a real difference in the lives of others. I commend their dedication to serving the community and encourage them to continue their efforts in the future. 


Highlights and Events:

Throughout Term 2, Year 9 have participated in a range of exciting events and activities to enhance their schooling experience. From our sports carnival and inter-house competitions, to cultural celebrations and guest speaker sessions about the push-up challenge, our students have had ample opportunities to engage in diverse experiences outside the classroom. These events have not only fostered a sense of belonging but have also encouraged our students to embrace new challenges and develop important life skills.


Looking Ahead:

As we head into the Term 2 break, I encourage all students to take some time for rest and rejuvenation. It is crucial to strike a balance between school work and relaxation to ensure a healthy and well-rounded approach to life. Term 3 will bring its own set of opportunities and challenges, and I have no doubt that our Year 9 students will continue to shine brightly.


I would like to express my gratitude to the parents and guardians for your continued support throughout this term. Your partnership and involvement have been instrumental in creating a positive and nurturing environment for our students. Thank you for entrusting us with the education and well-being of your children. I wish you all a safe and enjoyable holiday break. May it be filled with laughter, joy, and precious moments with loved ones. I look forward to welcoming our Year 9 students back for another exciting term ahead.


Warm regards,


Nikki McWhirter

Year 9 Pastoral Care Coordinator

Year 10 Pastoral Care

Dear Brigidine College Randwick Community,


As we conclude Term 2 and Semester One, it is with great pride and excitement that we reflect on the outstanding achievements of our Year 10 students at Brigidine College Randwick. This semester has been a whirlwind of academic accomplishments, personal growth, and triumphs in representative sports and activities such as touch football, soccer, netball, and dance. As we enter the well-deserved mid-year break, we would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the remarkable efforts of our talented girls.


Representative Sports Success:


Touch Football:

Our Year 10 touch football team has once again demonstrated their prowess on the field. With remarkable agility, speed, and strategic play, they have showcased the true spirit of teamwork and sportsmanship by making it to the SCS Interschools Championships, where they placed second. Their commitment to training, their dedication to improvement, and their unwavering support for one another have been truly inspiring. We applaud their achievements this semester and can't wait to see what they accomplish in the future.



Our Intermediate Soccer team, which included several of our Year 10 students, has been an absolute force to be reckoned with this semester. With their skilful footwork, tactical brilliance, and passion for the game, they have consistently left their opponents in awe. Their victories throughout the term and winning the finals are a testament to their hard work and discipline. We are immensely proud of their achievements and eagerly anticipate their future triumphs.



Our Year 10 dancers were a part of the dance group that represented the College in the 2023 Eisteddfod and have captivated audiences with their talent, creativity, and artistry. They have worked tirelessly to perfect their routines, expressing their emotions and stories through their movements. Their passion for dance shines brightly, and they have truly embraced the joy and discipline that comes with this art form. We are privileged to witness their growth as performers and look forward to their future performances.


Wishing You a Restful Break:

As we approach the mid-year break, we encourage our Year 10 students to take time for themselves, to rest, and to recharge. This is an opportunity to reflect on your achievements, set new goals, and explore your passions outside of the classroom. Whether you choose to spend time with family, engage in creative pursuits, or simply relax, we hope that you find joy and rejuvenation during this break.


Looking Forward to Term 3:

As we bid farewell to Term 2 and Semester One, we eagerly anticipate the beginning of Term 3. It will be a time of fresh beginnings, new challenges, and exciting opportunities. We are confident that our Year 10 students will return with renewed energy and enthusiasm, ready to take on the next chapter of their educational journey.


See you in Term 3!




Tony Munguia

Year 10 Pastoral Care Coordinator

Year 11 Pastoral Care


Term 2 has finished very well for Year 11, with many success stories in a variety of capacities to end the term. Our Senior Netball and Senior Soccer Teams won their various competitions, and our Senior B Soccer Team nearly beat the Senior A Team in the semi-final last week, going down in a penalty shootout. A big shoutout to our Year 11 TAS students who did a marvellous job organising and catering for the College's TAS Show as well as our Hospitality students conducting their second food catering event. Well done to all!


The term concluded with the annual Year 11 Retreat at the Benedict XVI Retreat Centre at Grose Wold. The students participated in a range of activities that focussed on what it means to be part of the Catholic community. They had time to reflect on their goals for the upcoming year as well as their hopes and dreams for the future. All girls should be commended for their engagement in the program and the bonds that they have developed with each other over the three days spent together.


I wish all families and students of Year 11 a safe and relaxing holiday, and I am looking forward to another successful Term 3.


Jon Campbell

Year 11 Pastoral Care Coordinator

Year 12 Pastoral Care

Dear Parents and Carers,


“Education is the most powerful tool which you can use to change the World”  Nelson Mandela

This inspirational quote is the driving force behind our Year 12 Cohort.


This term has really gone by with such speed and determination amongst our Year 12 cohort.


It is truly a privilege to work with the Class of 2023 once again this term. Year 12 is a cohesive and collaborative group, and I am very proud of the manner in which they have continued to carry themselves as our Senior students and as Leaders of our College. Having endured another busy term, Year 12 have done an exceptional job at balancing a multitude of assessments, completing revision homework and managing their sporting/work commitments. It is such a challenging situation for all!


With most assessments completed, Year 12 can breathe a sigh of relief as the study break draws near. I would like to take the opportunity to remind Year 12 of the need for balance, meditation and self-care. While rest and recuperation are a high priority, it is equally important to look ahead and proactively plan for their final term of senior high school and be actively prepared for their trial period. Year 12 now need to consolidate their content, refine their skills and continue with the momentum they have developed over these last three terms. Ms Fox has organised study workshops over the study break, and I encourage all Year 12 to attend and utilise this valuable opportunity which ensures the students are engaging in positive learning experiences and best preparing themselves for the Trials, which go from 31 July 2023 until 14 August 2023.


Our College Captains Yasmeen Janschek and Emily Livissianis, alongside the Profile Captains, need to be commended for their Push Up Challenge initiative this term. They have been at the forefront of the promotion of strong mental health habits where all students from Year 7 to Year 12 were involved in participating in some form of exercise daily. Each Pastoral Care class needs to be congratulated for their effort, participation and real care for this worthy cause. Yasmeen, in particular, has dedicated much time and passion to the promotion of a ‘healthy’ mind alongside a ‘healthy’ body, and we all feel really in awe of her enthusiasm and passion for the promotion of a positive mindset. She is such an inspirational student who always places the needs of others before her own! The bake sale and also the generous donation of pizzas from Arthurs’ pizzeria have really shown the true compassion and gratitude of people in our community.


I would personally like to thank every Pastoral Care teacher for their assistance, their support and their enthusiasm in the promotion of the challenge, as without this, our initiative would never have been able to go ahead. Furthermore, I express my appreciation and gratitude for the ongoing support and commitment Mrs Quirk has provided over this last term. There have been many meetings and discussions to ensure the Push up challenge would go ahead. 


On behalf of the Year 12 Pastoral Care team, we wish every family a safe and restful study break and may each family have a rewarding time with one another.


God bless,


Adriana Parsons

Year 12 Pastoral Care Coordinator