Learning @ Brigidine

“Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardour and attended with diligence.”  Abigail Adams

”When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action taken” - Confucius


As Term Two draws to a close, it is an opportunity for students to pause and reflect on their learning journey thus far. While each of us is on a learning journey, it is unique and individual, and consequently, we are all at different stages. 


Years 7-10 having completed their assessment tasks and awaiting their Semester One Report, are halfway through their 2023 learning journey and this is a pertinent point to reflect. I encourage students to reflect honestly on their application and approaches to learning thus far and identify what may need to be adjusted or changed. The conclusion of a semester is an opportunity to also reflect on the role of assessments and in particular, the feedback it brings as part of learning. Consistent effort in learning will enable assessments to be an opportunity to demonstrate new skills and knowledge. 


Our Year 11 students, now approach their final term of Preliminary courses which includes their final assessments. Term 3 offers an opportunity to refine productive study habits and practices to carry them into their HSC year, commencing in Term 4. Our Class of 2023 commence their final term of classes at the College with their Trial HSC examinations commencing in Week 3. For our senior students, assessment should be approached as an opportunity to demonstrate not only their knowledge and skills but also the rigorous work and diligent effort that has gone into preparing. Once the Trial examinations conclude, collaboration is key as working together benefits everyone. 


The mid-year break allows all students, regardless of their point in their learning journey, to pause, engage in honest self-reflection and reset or consolidate their priorities and learning habits as required. As students reflect on their learning journey thus far and look towards the learning that is to come, students are encouraged to extend themselves beyond their comfort zone to achieve their personal best. 


July Holiday Workshops and HSC Masterclasses 

Throughout the break, a series of workshops will be facilitated by Year 12 teachers. Our Year 12 students are encouraged to be familiar with the session times outlined in this document. Should a student not be able to attend, it is imperative that they speak with their class teacher. 


In addition to the workshops being offered at the College,  Sydney Catholic Schools has developed a series of Masterclasses. These Masterclasses are available via Canvas and accessible to all students. Our Year 12 students are encouraged to engage with the relevant Masterclasses to assist their preparation for the Trial HSC. 


Subject Selection 

This Term, our Year 10 students commenced the Stage 6 Subject Selection process. Throughout the term our Year 10 students completed a series of activities that we hope enabled them to understand the important connection between subject selection, career choices and further study beyond school. 


One of the key aspects of your daughter’s success will be choosing the best pathway and courses that will ultimately set her up for success. We strongly encourage our Year 10 students and their parents/guardians to discuss subject preferences carefully. Our experience over many years suggests that parents/guardians and students who work together to achieve goals in schooling find the Higher School Certificate more manageable. Having clearly defined goals, which your daughter can measure, will allow her to take pride in accomplishing her targets. 


Following the Subject Selection Interviews held in Week 9, in early Term Three, students will be emailed a Web Choices code that will be used to submit course preferences. Students are strongly encouraged to preference courses that are of interest and provide a level of challenge whilst also considering the recommendations provided. Further details on this stage of the process will be provided at the start of the term. 



Please find attached the latest Careers News Bulletin. I encourage all students, particularly our senior students to explore the information provided. Please reach out, should you have any questions. 


I look forward to the learning that will take place in Term Three.


Ms Natasha Fox                                               &                    Ms Eleonora Agazzi

Director of Learning & Innovation                               Director of Curriculum