Cranbourne Campus News

Importance of Building from the Ground Up

Not that long ago I had reason to do a little handiwork in building a back deck for our home. To be honest, the deck turned out OK - good stable stumps concreted in, solid bearers, well spaced joists and wide merbau decking boards - a functional result to be proud of. One of the lessons learned when you start a build like this, is the importance of building up from where the ground "is" and not making measurements or plans to build from where the ground "should be."

This week I read an academic paper delivered by the world renowned educational researcher, the Emeritus Professor John Hattie of the Melbourne University Graduate School of Education. A paper delivered  to the Victorian Education State Principals Conference. In this paper Professor Hattie goes to great length to offer research, reports and evidence from all around the world that indicate that students bounce back from major disruption, both emotionally and academically, better than we give them credit for. Quoting evidence the likes of the educational responses to natural disasters such as the Christchurch earthquake and the Haiti Tsunami and the fact that the emotional energy and connections of students largely snapped back into pretty normal patterns as soon as they returned from our 2020 lockdowns, Hattie's message is a salient one. 

While levels of student motivation and engagement appear low at this moment (I know that that is what it looks like in my house!), our teachers have used their expertise to ensure that the vital building blocks of learning have not been compromised. Furthermore, Hattie indicates that the narrative of what the students may have missed out on in remote learning is not a helpful one. Rather the language should in fact be about "what are you ready to learn next?" and "where to from here?"  A language of hope, a language of growth and a language of opportunity instead of obstacle.

We are confident that when the lockdown comes to a close, and we can again come together on campus, our St. Peter's College Teachers will be ‘looking forward’ with your child's learning plan; not lamenting what could have been. And they will be doing this not because they are pollyanna's who are oblivious to reality but because the evidence tells us that learning starts from what you know, not what you should know and that young people do bounce back. Our teachers know the importance of building from the ground up.  Recommencing the build from where the ground is, and not begin from where they think the ground should be. This takes expertise,  skill and genuine care ~ gifts that our Teachers at St. Peter's College have in spades.


I would like to add my congratulations to that of our Principal Mr Black, to the wonderful team of Student Leaders who were elected this week. My congratulations extends to the equally deserving Candidates who were unsuccessful on this occasion but who have committed to being the foundation upon which this team of Captains will thrive. We are supremely proud of the Leadership potential being exhibited this year, in the most complex times.


Mr Jeremy Wright

Deputy Principal - Head of Cranbourne Campus